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Chapter 66 - Recording (1)

The old lady was, naturally, very emotionally when she saw her grandson. They chitchatted for a little bit before she started working on convincing him. "You know, ZhenYu. Back in the days Liang ZhiQuan put aside her self-esteem and came to you for help and you wouldn't even spare her a penny. Now that the Liang's had a comeback and is looking better and better by the day. And what about you, hmm? You turned her away just like for that childish girl outside. Now you are suffering the consequences from that. That's why I have always told you, to always leave some wiggle room when you deal with people. You can't go wrong with that."

Mu ZhenYu didn't respond.

The old madam grumbled again. "And that girl, too. She knew that you are engaged. How could she approach you so shamelessly? Aye, all this is water below the bridge now. You should reconcile with your father. There shouldn't be overnight issues between a father and his son. Just laugh over it and that will be that. Your father was saying just yesterday that he wanted to hand that whatever hotel platform over for you to manage. That would still be a better alternative than you hanging out with that actress day in and day out."

Right when she was very focused on eavesdropping, Xu WanZhi suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind her.

Immediately after that came a weak male's voice. "Xu WanZhi, I didn't think you will have the guts to come over here... you have guts, don't you?"

Xu WanZhi turned around and she saw Mu XiYuan who was still pale and weak from before.

"You think you can still sit there calmly even my brother knows about what had happened between the two of us?"

Xu WanZhi smiled and said, "What happened between the two of us? You were already all dried up before I was squeeze anything out of you. You are probably better off taking good care of your kidneys rather than trying to fight verbally with me right now."

That hit Mu XiYuan where it hurt. The smile in his eyes disappeared right away. "Xu WanZhi, what do you mean by that? Ever since you've took my hotel key, came into my room, and left without a word, I had been like this. Speak, what kind of poison had you slipped me?"

Having said that, he walked over to Xu WanZhi in his debilitated body and grabbed her on her arm. "Xu WanZhi. You can go to jail for something like that, don't you know that?"

Xu WanZhi wasn't worried about an invalid like him at all. With a swing of her arm, she knocked his hand off and said in a steady pace, "Mr. Mu, you shouldn't get so angry with your weakened kidney. What's with this drugs and jail time talk? Do you have any evidence? Have I fed you anything all night long? Slandering, too, carries jail time. If I were you, I'd change your lascivious lifestyle and drink more goji berries for my health. Trying to pin this on an innocent person is not going to help you in anyway."

Mu XiYuan looked at her through gritted teeth and only wish that he could throw daggers with his eyes. A little while later, he started laughing all of a sudden. He laughed and backed up at the same time until he reached the couch and plopped down on it. Then, he fished out the cellphone from his shirt pocket and laughed. "Innocent? Oh, Xu WanZhi. You might be good with your words, but I do have some evidence, though not about the poison. But I happened to have this. I wonder if my brother will be enraged if he hears this."

Having said that, he turned the volume of his cellphone up to maximum and played a recording. Coming from his cellphone was Xu WanZhi's voice.

"Huanyu had gone bankrupt, but Mu ZhenYu still has a lot of assets under his name. Those included entertainment companies, restaurants, and some overseas assets mainly located in Italy. Not a lot of them, but just enough for him to support himself. If Second Young Master Mu wanted to defeat him completely and take all of them over, you are going to need my help."

Chapter 67 - Recording (2)

Xu WanZhi paused after listening to the recording. That was the conversation between the original owner and Mu XiYuan a few hours before she had transmigrated. At the time, Huanyu had gone bankrupt, the original owner thought that she had wasted all of her time and that she wouldn't be able to see any of the 50 million yuan. She did, indeed, want to team up with Mu XiYuan to catch Mu ZhenYu off guard. Even though she had done everything that she could think of to make up for the mistakes that the original owner had made, but she hadn't expected that Mu XiYuan would possess a recording of their conversation.

Shortly after that came Mu XiYuan's voice. "Plenty of others wanted to destroy Mu ZhenYu, why did Miss Xu come to me? What is it that you want from me? Just name your price."

The original owner said coyly, "Second Young Master Mu is joking. Everyone knows that Old Mrs. Mu is not so fond of Mu ZhenYu and that he wouldn't make it very far. The entire Mu's will belong to Second Young Master Mu in the future. With a friend in such high places, why would I be petty over such minor gains? I am sure Second Young Master will do good by me."

The recording stopped abruptly after that sentence. And, immediately after that, there were footsteps from the bedroom's direction and the Old Madam, with Mu ZhenYu supporting her, walked inside with Aunt Hu behind them.

Mu XiYuan stood up immediately and called her "Grandma". Mu XiYuan waved his phone at Xu WanZhi with a malicious look and grinned.

Xu WanZhi stood up, gave him a cold gaze, before she bowed to the Old Madam and greeted her. "Greetings, Old Madam."

The old madam didn't even look up. Obviously not care much about her. She pointed casually and said, "Miss Xu is so diplomatic. You are not only in a relationship with ZhenYu, but you seemed to get along with XiYuan quite well too. Have a seat."

The old madam's words were very loaded, obviously it was a message for Mu ZhenYu.

Xu WanZhi had no idea how much of the recording did Mu ZhenYu hear. She just worried that all of her hard work and plans since she had transmigrated were now ruined by the recording. She calmly thought about her next move and did not respond to what the old madam had said.

Mu XiYuan, on the other hand, was trying to stir things up. He carried on on the old madam's topic and said, "Miss Xu and I are old friends and we do get along quite well. We were just talking about some of our wonderful pastime together. Has she ever mentioned that to you, Big Brother?"

"What pastime? I think that's all in your head." Mu ZhenYu reached out his large hand and stroke the back of Xu WanZhi's hand, as though he was trying to comfort her. Then, he looked over at the old madam, smiled naturally, and said jokingly. "After all, relationships isn't XiYuan's strong suite."

Mu XiYuan was shocked. He looked up with looked over at Xu WanZhi in disbelief. How was it possible that the two of them has such strong trust in each other? Could it be that... could it be that Xu WanZhi's coming to him and even climbing onto his bed were all part of Mu ZhenYu's plan?

Perhaps Xu WanZhi was telling the truth. She wasn't the one who poisoned him. It was... Mu ZhenYu.

The current state of his body was all attributed to his own wonderful brother? He had fallen for his trap?

Mu XiYuan dared not continue down that line of thought.

"He is still young and it's too early to talk about relationships. He had more to learn and more networks to build." The old madam as she took a sip of the tea and turned and told Aunt Hu, "Have the kitchen bring out the dishes. The kids must be hungry. And also have the others come downstairs and join us at the dinner table."

Having said that, she stood up in an unstable way and started walking toward the dining room.

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