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Chapter 36 - An Abrupt Turn of Event ("Both her and her fox belong to me.") (1)

"Mr. Mu, I think there has been some misunderstanding." Jiang YueXian remained in the car, but as the car door was now wide open, he put his mask back on. "I am aware of your relationship with Miss Xu and I have no intention in getting in between. I merely like Miss Xu's pet fox a lot and would like to be around it more. If Miss Xu is okay with it, I can even set up a social platform and post everything related to it."

"I am sorry. I am not okay with it," said Xu WanZhi as she shook her head. "You have a pet as well. Would you give your husky away if someone offers you 50 million yuan? No, right? Then you shouldn't ask that of me. It's a very simple concept."

Her word immediately made Jiang YueXian speechless.

Mu ZhenYu stood in front of him with his iced-cold look. He lifted his chin at Jiang YueXian, as though sticking his claim on his possessions and said in a low voice. "You get it now? Both her and her fox belong to me."

Having said that, Mu ZhenYu took Xu WanZhi's hand and took her back to the nanny van.

"He is crazy. Why are you even talking to him?" Mu ZhenYu glanced over at her in the back of the nanny van. What he saw was her cheeks blushed and her head lowered – as though she couldn't look at him because she was shy.

She was so cute like that.

The corners of his mouth lifted up. He looked outside the window and said, "If he bothers you again, just let me know."

Xu WanZhi still didn't say anything. She just nodded slightly.

He was in a much better mood now and asked her, "What do you want for dinner?"

Her eyes lit up finally and she said excitedly, "Fried chicken. Coconut and fried chicken!"

Dang. She was so cute!

Soft English songs were playing inside the car and the mood was peculiar. Mu ZhenYu's heart itched a little, as though it was touched by the tips of her hair.

Mu ZhenYu suddenly felt that he could understand Jiang YueXian's obsession.

Sure enough, the very next morning, Xu WanZhi's name rose again and was posted on the front of some revenue-generating website and further made it to the most trended search list.

#Xu WanZhi scamming Jiang YueXian# Last night, after Xu WanZhi's filming for the day, someone got a picture of her forcing her way into film emperor Jiang YueXian's car. It looked like she was trying to leech off of his popularity once again. This kind of utterly shameless scamming behavior by pretending to be a couple with the film emperor and even cutting into his resting time is unforgivable.

Under the Weibo entry, there was a collage of 9 pictures, each of them very focused. Xu WanZhi was sitting in the back seat of the car, tilting her head, talking to Jiang YueXian in all of them.

Xu WanZhi chuckled. She didn't even need to think about it to know that this was Chang XiaoYa's handy work.

She casually looked through the comments – the Weibo's description had perfectly stirred up Jiang YueXian's fan's hatred toward her. A lot of the comments were very aggressive. The ones that told her to get out of the entertainment circle were the milder ones. The more excessive one just cussed her out along with all of her family members.

Chapter 37 - An Abrupt Turn of Event ("Both her and her fox belong to me.") (2)

In addition, Chang XiaoYa reposted this article with her real account, adding below that, "Adopting this type of method in order to gain popularity is unacceptable. As actors, we should lead by example and boycott against behaviors like that."

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