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Chapter 49 - Rival in Love (He walked over to her with interest in his eyes, rubbed her behind her ear and asked, "Just how did you get here?") (1)

Xu WanZhi had a particularly good rest that night.

The next morning, she was woken up from her sleep by four alarm clocks. By the time she got up, Mu ZhenYu had already taken off. Seeing that her time was tight, she frantically packed up and left for the filming location.

As the event the night before was a group event, many of those who showed up today had dark circles under their eyes. They greeted her listlessly. And, as she wasn't the last to arrive, all of a sudden being a few minutes late was no longer a big deal.

When she walked into the dressing room, Chang XiaoYa just happened to walk out and the two of them came face-to-face with each other.

Mu ZhenYu had obviously done a number on Chang XiaoYa. Chang XiaoYa had been under close surveillance by her agent Zhang Xuan since she had tried to start negative publicity on Xu WanZhi a few days ago. Then she was criticized again last night. Even with thick makeup on, her two blood-shot eyes were still very obvious. Her eyes were puffed up like walnuts.

Xu WanZhi was calmed and composed as usual. She greeted Chang XiaoYa as though nothing was out of the ordinary. Chang XiaoYa, on the other hand, had a guilty conscience. She looked down, gave a barely noticeable nod and quickly walked away with a gloomy look.

"Blossom" was a three-part series. They were just now filming part one of it. If she kept up all of her stunts, the director would probably get fed up with her and decrease her scenes and possibly even switch her out altogether.

Xu WanZhi had been filming her scenes with Shen Yi for the entire week. Mu ZhenYu had been very busy lately and hadn't showed up a lot. Xu WanZhi would just go home and relax after filming everyday and her days had been peaceful as of late.

A week later, her scenes with Shen Yi had ended and the crew turned to focus on scenes with Shen Yi by himself. Xu WanZhi had gained two precious day-offs.

It's the middle of summer and the temperature shot up to 39 degree Celsius. With Mu ZhenYu away, Xu WanZhi just turned into her fox form and stayed inside the air-conditioned home and enjoyed her coconut. She refused to leave the house.

The next afternoon, as she was laying on her back all spread out for a short rest, she suddenly heard noises in the living room following by the sound of talking between Mu ZhenYu and Bai FeiChen.

She leapt up from bed and wanted to change back into her human form but it was already too late. Mu ZhenYu had already walked inside their apartment and was too close to her. She wasn't able to use her magic and could do nothing but stayed in her soft fu and hid quietly behind her room door.

"I've heard that Qin Sheng has just gotten another round of investment and most of them being from that one angel investor of his. The Qin's is not the same as before. Their market share had gone up by another 16% after they won Project Falcon." Bai FeiChen and Mu ZhenYu walked inside the house one after another and walked into the study. Both of them were in workout gear. They looked like they had just finished working out.

Mu ZhenYu had on an UA tight top, his hair loosely falling down on his forehead, fulling demonstrating the powerful attractiveness of masculinity. The blood vessels in his upper arm where pumped up from his earlier exercise. The pattern that they formed made him even more appealing than a mannequin at a sports apparent shop.

Xu WanZhi looked away from them and mumbled the words "Project Falcon" to herself...

She seemed to recall that being mentioned in the original novel more than one. It was only after obtaining the project that Qin Sheng had the capital to bring down Huanyu Corporation.

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