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Chapter 142 - Pawn ("He has the right to know.") (1)

Mu ZhenYu waited for her answer quietly.

His fingertips brushed over her ring and the warmth from his finger reached her heart through the sensitive tip of her ring finger. It tickled. Xu WanZhi shrank her neck a bit. When he suddenly threw out a serious question like that, she didn't know how to respond to it.

Ever since she had failed in her transformation, she had viewed this as a second chance granted to her by heaven. If she has a say in it, she would rather end this contract with Mu ZhenYu as soon as possible so she could return to her old carefree and worry-free days.

Nevertheless, so much time had already passed and, perhaps she hadn't even noticed it herself, but her life had already been tied together with Mu ZhenYu. She couldn't quite say what kind of tie that was but it was tangled and difficult to sort out.

As she had read the original novel before, she had always been prejudiced against him. She thought that he was cruel and cold, someone difficult to get along with. But after spending so much time with him, she had grown to know him better. She didn't object to continuing her life the way it was right now.

Nevertheless... when it came to matters about her real fox identity, she still felt that she should tell him the truth.

Getting married was a serious matter. It wasn't the same as the manipulative suggestion coming from Mu XueLin and Xu Tian. The discussion about marriage right now was Mu ZhenYu's decision. And, as it was his decision, then he was entitled to the truth. He should know all about her before he made that decision.

Xu WanZhi puffed up her cheeks a bit and said softly, "There... there's something that I want to tell you. We should talk about it when we get home tonight..."

Before she could finish talking, someone knocked on the door. It sounded like his secretary.

"Mr. Mu. Old Mr. Mu is here. He's waiting for you in the conference room."

Mu ZhenYu's look turned solemn immediately. "Okay, got it."

He stood up and lowered his head to look at Xu WanZhi. "You wait for me here. Let me send him on his way and I will come back. We have more time to talk about."

Xu WanZhi nodded. She pulled out her cellphone to check the time and saw a message from Xiao Yuan telling her that she had a meeting scheduled with Jiang XingChen's assistant to discuss about Plainness. Hearing the excitement in Xiao Yuan's voice, perhaps she would get to become the primary female lead. Xu WanZhi, too, stood up and said, "I'll walk out with you. I'll just go say hi then take off. I need to go talk to Xiao Yuan. I'll see you at home afterward. Mu XueLin would not have come here unless he absolutely needs to. Be patient and tried to have a conversation with him."

Mu ZhenYu nodded and said, "Alright."

The two of them walked inside of the elevator and went up to the 8th floor conference room.

Mu XueLin had become much more disheveled since Wang LiZhen had gone to prison. He seemed to have aged a lot overnight. He had a lot more white hair and his wrinkles had become more noticeable. There were stubbles on his chin and the suit that he was wearing was wrinkly. It didn't seem like he had been taking good care of himself as of late.

The Wang LiZhen incident seemed to have been a big blow to him.

Mu ZhenYu walked over quickly and sat down on the couch next to him. "Why are you here?"

Xu WanZhi nodded at him politely and sat down next to Mu ZhenYu.

Mu XueLin looked over at Xu WanZhi with a bit of anger in his eyes. After a little while, he finally let out a sigh and his look mellowed out.

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