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Chapter 18 - Why Are You so Docile? (1)

In the dining room, there was already food on the dinner table along with two sets of dinnerware, obviously waiting for him.

Mu ZhenYu washed his hands and sat down in front of the dinner table. A shred of unhappiness flickered through his eyes – if "Blossom" didn't have anything to do with his grandmother, he wouldn't have felt as much of a letdown. Nonetheless, he thought she had done a lot of research before she decided to walk away from all the big-budget productions and picked this one instead. But he overthought it. She only picked this one before she wanted to be with Jiang YueXian. How would that not make him angry?

Surprisingly, before he ever said a word, she sat down across from him, her coconut in hand and volunteered, "I didn't know Jiang YueXian was going to be at that studio either. Had I known, I would have avoided any chances of any sort of rumors."

Mu ZhenYu's fingers that had been wrapping around the chopsticks tightly loosened up some.

The truth of the matter was, Xu WanZhi found out that Jiang YueXian was also at the "Blossom" studio only after Chang XiaoYa had posted on WeChat.

Jiang YueXian was such a minute character in the book that he was barely ever mentioned. Naturally, Xu WanZhi didn't know much about him.

That being said, after a couple of rounds, Xu WanZhi had it figured out. Mu ZhenYu had never let his guard down as far as she was concerned. Not only that, everything that she did was under his control.

Meaning, there was no reason he wasn't aware of this.

He came home looking very unhappy and there was a sense of viciousness in his eyes. She figured that Jiang YueXian was most likely the reason behind it.

She figured she might as well just be upfront about it before the interrogation began.

After Xu WanZhi had casually explained herself, she peeked at him to check out his reactions.

Mu ZhenYu, on the other hand, merely looked at her quietly, waiting for the rest of the story.

Xu WanZhi understood the meaning of it and carried on, "It was Sun-jie's idea to create rumors of being a couple with Jiang YueXian. She didn't like that I wasn't popular enough and wasn't making money for her, so she came up with that idea. She'd go out of her way to find out about Jiang YueXian's agenda and sent me there to leech off of his popularity. Well, I got the popularity, but also a lot of negativity. Now that Fang Lin is my agent, that has stopped. I have no idea where Jiang YueXian is filming."

"So?" Mu ZhenYu asked coldly.

"Luckily, the studio wasn't far from here. I have already put in my request with the production team that, with the exception of special circumstances, I would not be staying in the hotel that was prepared for me. That way, I will be filming in the daytime and coming home at night. I don't think I will run into Jiang YueXian very often."

Mu XiYuan leaned back against the back of the chair and crossed his legs, obviously only believing half of what she had said. "Why did you give up on all the big-budget productions and picked a web show instead?"

Xu WanZhi paused for a little before she said sincerely, "Because... we have elders at home that really enjoyed this show."

Having heard that, a slight surprise flashed through his eyes – she was being very subtle but he got her meaning of it. He put down his chopsticks and looked steadily at her. After a little while, hhe called out her name, "Xu WanZhi?"

Xu WanZhi also put down her coconut and her spoon and looked back at him sincerely, "Yes?"

He remained silent for a little while before he chuckled and said, "Why are you so docile?"

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