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Chapter 64 - Banquet (1)

After a long while, three words that were obviously squeezed out through gritted teeth came over the phone, "Don't you dare!"

Xu WanZhi giggled, "Alright, alright. Then I will have the chauffeur go pick you up. How's that?"

The other end went silent for a little bit then, even through the phone, she could feel the anger coming all the way from Europe. She quickly added, "I will have the chauffeur take me there. Will that work?"

Mu ZhenYu didn't respond but just hung up the phone. It has been over ten days. Didn't she miss him at all?

The filming of part 1 of "Blossoming Us" had already entered into the final stage of reviewing and checking for anything that was missed. Xu WanZhi took half a day off with the filming crew to go pick up Mu ZhenYu.

She has had some popularity before so she dared not be too ostentatious about it. She peeked out behind a pillar and had Xiao Yuan waited on the outside.

From a far, Mu ZhenYu looked even more sharp than he was before. Xu WanZhi spotted him as soon as he had walked out.

He still stood out in a crowd.

Over on his side, with the exception of a small white paper bag in his hand, Mu ZhenYu didn't even have a suitcase with him. He looked around the place with his eagle-sharp eyes and his gaze landed on Xiao Yuan, who was waving frantically at him.

Immediately after that, he spotted a cutely sneaky silhouette – Xu WanZhi who was mostly hidden behind a pillar but showing just half of her rounded eye and blinking frantically at him.

He walked over to her quickly and stood in front of her.

"Long time no see, Mr. Mu!" She raised her brows and smiled delicately. "Was Italy fun?"

"No." He said coldly but was betrayed by his slightly happy look. "You haven't seen me in a while, but I have been seeing you daily. On Weibo, on the news... you have been quite active lately."

Xu WanZhi felt a sense of danger and said shyly. "Not really."

He didn't seem particular interested in continuing with that subject but thrusted the bag in his hand into hers. "This is for you."

Her eyes beamed immediately and couldn't wait but to pull open the bag and looked inside. "Is it a gift?"

He reached out his long arm and wrapped it around her waist. "Look at it after we get inside the car."

The gift that Mu ZhenYu had brought her was a more casual, everyday dress. It was an European style dress in pastel color. Its satin belt gave it a classy feel. Around the sleeve area was the signature of Italy's top designer RominaA's signature.

"This is so beautiful..." Xu WanZhi held the dress in her hand and looked at it like she was looking at a treasure.

It has a retro design with collar and sleeves. Its length was just down to her knee, very fitting for Mu ZhenYu's preference for her outfits.

"This is not free." Mu ZhenYu leaned against the back of the seat and one of his hand laying against the window with a cigarette between his slender and long fingers. "My grandmother is coming back from New Zealand next week. She wanted to host a banquet at home and she wanted to meet you."

She had inadvertently heard about the Old Madam in his conversation with Bai FeiChen a couple of days ago and had already been prepared. For someone who was as good as her in acting, meeting the parents was nothing but a walk in the park. She nodded happily and said, "Not a problem. I will play my role perfectly."

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