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Chapter 109 - Identity Was Exposed (1)

Xu WanZhi's phone rang immediately after she finished posting the pictures. The caller ID showed that it was from Jiang YueXian.

Xu WanZhi didn't really want to engage with him, but she needed to work with him in 'Plainness' even though they don't need to be close to each other, they should at least need to be amicable. She picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"WanZhi!" Jiang YueXian's voice was trembling as though he was extremely excited. "I heard that you are finally willing to part with your beloved fox and let me have her? Don't worry. I promise I will be very good to her and give her the best food, best beverage. You will have nothing to worry about. You can come and visit the fox anytime you want and I won't stop you."

"Wait a second... what did you just say?" Xu WanZhi frowned and her eyes widened. "When did I said you can have my fox?"

"Just now?" Jiang YueXian panicked a little when he heard that. "Chen Jin just sent me a WeChat message that you have agreed to sell her the fox for $2 million. Is that not true?"

"Chen Jin? Like hell I was!" As soon as she finished saying that, she heard a notification coming in. She said to Jiang YueXian angrily, "Hang on. Don't hang up. Let me switch over to speaker."

Jiang YueXian was very excited before but he figured from what she had said that most likely this would be a non-starter. He became droopy like an eggplant pelted by hail. "It's really not true huh..."

Xu WanZhi put her phone down and looked at the notification. It was a message from Weibo.

She clicked into it and her AiAi Fox account had received a private message from a profile picture that was not familiar from her. "Hi, page owner, I am a fan of yours and I like your little fox a lot. I would like to offer you $2 million for it. Plus, I will be happy to send you pictures and videos of the fox on a weekly basis for your Weibo account. I look forward to hearing from you shortly. Thank you."

Xu WanZhi read the entire message to Jiang YueXian verbatim. Then, gritting her teeth, she said to him, "This was a message that I just received from one of Chen Jin's account. I haven't even responded back to her yet. How would I have promised her to sell her the fox and have her give it to you? Besides, if I intend to sell my fox, why wouldn't I just sell her to you directly instead of going through her and have you owed her a favor?"

"I guess that make sense..." Jiang YueXian was sounding progressively more disappointed. "She liked to me in WeChat and said that you two had already reached an agreement. That you are willing to give up your fox as long as I don't post pictures of the fox online and send you a set of pictures a week. I can't believe I fell for that... Okay. I won't keep you any longer. Let me know if you ever need anything."

"Hang on." Xu WanZhi stopped him right away. "I need something from you right now. I can't believe she did this to me. Send me screen shots of your conversation with Chen Jin."

"Ugh..." Jiang YueXian hesitated for a second before he said, "Okay. That works. But let me first delete all of my silly talks. Don't worry. I promise I will send you a complete record of every word that she had said."

"Silly talks?" Xu WanZhi was amused. "Okay, hurry up then."

"Oh yeah, WanZhi..." It seemed like Jiang YueXian had suddenly recalled something and stopped her right before he hung up. "There is something else. It's not very important, but I think you should know."

"What is it?" asked Xu WanZhi casually.

"Chen Jin... and Chen Yi are cousins, on her father's side."

Xu WanZhi was very surprised. "Say what?!"

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