Part 5

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They both walk into lesson hand in hand shocking everyone as soon as they enter. This included Sunghoon and Jake, thinking that Niki has won the bet already.

Jake(to Sunghoon):"Omg did Niki make him fall for him already?"
"Maybe let's ask!" Sunghoon and Jake both get out of the seats and head to the rumoured couple whilst everyone was whispering assuming maybe it was another one of Niki toys. Jungwon was quick to realise and let's go of Niki hand, making Niki pout. The girls in the class squeals

Boy 4:"Gosh Yang Jungwon can make the school playboy pout!"

Girl 2:"See I told ya! They are made for each other!"

Boy 4:"Fine you win!"

Jungwon nervously laughs, uncomfortable with the amount of attention them two were receiving. He cleared his throat.

Jungwon:"Just to clarify, me and Niki are only FRIENDS, please don't spread unnecessary rumours!" Niki nodds respecting Jungwons decision as Sunghoon and Jake comes up to the two of them.

Jake:"Aww man,I was gonna ask if you won the be-"

Niki immediantly covers Jakes mouth whilst Sunghoon nervously laughs. Jungwon looks at the trio with visible confusion.

Jungwon:"Uhh am i missing out on something her-"

Sunghoon:" NO!!! I-i mean, just them two always!"

Jungwon eyes all of them with suspicion. He had a feeling that something big was going on but just can't put his finger on to what it was. He just shrugs and walks towards his seat. Niki let's go and immediantly hugs Sunghoon "Thank you hyung!!! You're my lifesaver!" Sunghoon laughs while sticking his tounge out to Jake "Looks like im his favourite Hyung now!" Jake playfully rolled his eyes. "Well my mouth just ran loose!" Niki let's go of the hug and turns to face Jake "You almost exposed us!" Jake just sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly "Eh nothing we can do now, I'll make sure to be careful next time!" Niki just nods while making his way to his seat. He sat behind Jungwon, on purposely of course while Sunghoon and Jake make their way out of lessons.

Soon, the teacher enters the classroom, receiving whispers and stares. The teacher clears his throat making the room silent.

"Good morning clas-"

Niki politely puts his hands up, interrupting the unknown teacher. "I believe it's the afternoon sir!"

The teacher looks down at his watch and gets slightly embarrassed.

??:"Right my mistake, good afternoon class" some were laughing at Niki silly behaviour but Jungwon doesn't get the right feeling about this teacher. He then remembers Sunoo words on the phone this morning before coming to school ...

What is the teacher is really a secret agent? What if the rumours are right?

Jungwon just shook off the thought and proceeded to listen. The teacher then continued, despite the laughter the student were making.
"I'm Mr Choi, I'll be your new English teacher, hopefully we can get along"

He then directly looks at Jungwon, with a small smirk. Jungwon gets uncomfortable and this doesn't get unnoticed by Niki. He glares at the teacher, thinking of what he should do to make the teacher quit, or get annoyed. Niki had a good reputation for being the reason why almost half the teachers in the school had quit or almost wanted to quit.

The lesson begins and the teacher asks Jungwon to hand out the papers. Jungwon was about to leave his seat to do as told but Niki proceeds to say something "Sir, why make Jungwon hand out the papers when there's many students sitting at the front who can do the job for you?" All the students agree to Niki's point while the teacher just stared at Niki. Mr Choi can already tell that Niki was popular, based on his personality and looks.

Mr Choi: "So you get to decide what I should and not do?"

Niki shrugs "I'm just making his and your life ten times easier, Please, it's common sense to give it to the person nearest you, that way, it's faster" Niki smirks as he sees the teacher getting frustrated already.

Wasn't that hard to piss him off I guess?

Jungwon just awkwardly sits back down as Mr Choi reluctantly gives it to a boy named Taesung to hand out the papers. While the papers were going around, Mr Choi looks at both Niki and Jungwon talking. Them two were laughing and vividly teasing each other. He could tell they were close.


Niki:"Jungwon, don't you think that teacher is a bit-"

Jungwon:"Yes I know,it's not that hard to tell to be honest"

Niki agrees.

Jungwon:"Oh yeh, thanks for backing me up!"

Niki laughs while patting Jungwon on the head "No worries 'hyung'!" Jungwon laughs remembering the deal from earlier. He then proceeds to say "Oh yeh Niki, you still gonna make me fulfil one of your wishes?" Niki laughs "If you want!" Jungwon shook his head "Nah, who knows what you'll wish for" Niki just pouts a little "Whatever"

Jungwon turns back around as his paper was getting handed to him. He reaches for the paper, accidentally touching Taesung hands. Taesung looks down and shyly smiles. Of course, Niki was watching whilst Jungwon was just focusing on the paper, oblivious to whatever was going on around him.

Niki:"Ahem!" Taesung snapped out of his thoughts "O-oh sorry here you go!" He gives the paper but gets pulled down. Niki leans forward to his ears. He whispered "He's mine" Taesung eyes widened not realising that he was that obvious. He quickly gets up and just avoided eye contact with Niki. He just hurriedly nodded and proceeded to give the papers to the others. Niki just proudly smiled, not realising that his feelings for Jungwon was about to be serious...


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