Part 2

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Jungwon reaches his classroom in time. He let out a sigh of relief while grabbing his book out of his bag. He then leans on the back on his chair, getting all comfy. He was thinking about the moment that happened all in a flash. He's been trying his best to avoid Niki anyways from the start since he knows what type of guy he is. Jungwon throws his head back in frustration without realising, his head accidentally hits Nikis thighs.

"Y-yah when did you get here?"

Niki:"Long time ago, baby"

Jungwon eyes widened at the sudden nickname


Niki and Jay enter the classroom, both having art, as Sunghoon and Jake both had English. Jay eyes Niki as he notices Jungwon. Niki just nodds and looks at his direction. Jungwon seemed like he was in deep thoughts. Niki just chuckled and proceeded to walk towards him. Out of nowhere, Jungwon throws his head back, accidentally hitting Nikis thighs. Niki was shocked at the sudden contact but remained calm. Whilst Jungwon couldn't find the right words to address the situation.


Jungwon:"Y-you just called me...b-baby-"

Niki:"Hmm I did and what about it? Can't I call my boyfriend that?"

Jungwon was in disbelief at what he was hearing. He looked up in disgust

Jungwon:"Boyfriend, since when? I ain't your boyfriend, so don't treat me like one!"

Niki laughed at Jungwons state.

Niki:"C'mon, you've never been in love, just give "us" a try"

Jungwon scoffed while rolling his eyes, eventually turning his back on Niki

"Never, carry on dreaming"

Niki:"Carry on dreaming huh? Hmm so what? That means my dream must be you!"

Jungwon turned to face Niki again "That's so cheesy!" Niki laughed "Only for you baby!" Jungwon rolled his eyes "Whatever! Go to your seat, don't disturb me"

Niki started to like where this was going. He slowly started to think getting Jungwon to fall for him would be easy. Maybe he thought way too fast though.

The teacher entered the class and started teaching the students the basics. Jungwon was super immersed in whatever he was drawing, so he didn't notice the glances and stares he was receiving from Niki.

Niki wondered whether Jungwon has actually never fallen in love, or if it all was just something Jungwon said to make people avoid dating him.

Anyways, Niki soon got back on task, planning his next move.


Jungwon was packing his things, but suddenly, his pen falls out of his unclosed pencil case whilst he was closing it. Unfortunately, Jungwon didn't notice, so he left that pen behind in the classroom without realising. However, Niki seemed to notice. He heads over to where Jungwon sat after he sees Jungwon departing the classroom and picks up the pen. It was an ordinary basic pen,so Niki just kept it, using it as his next motive.

Fake Till Real -Wonki enhypen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now