Part 18

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-4 hours later-

Jungwon slowly opened his eyes. He wanted to rub them to adjust but his arms were tightly around his two best friends. He looked at the two,and smiled. He felt so lucky to have them as his friends. He yawned and carefully pulled his arms out from underneath and stretched. He then slides out, leaving the two dorks on the sofa. Now, Heeseung head was on Sunoo lap, whilst Sunoo arms were around Heeseung torso, while his other one was tangled in Heeseung hair. Jungwon playfully grins and rushingly grabbed his phone before the two woke up. He was excited to take a picture.

He carefully stepped back, working out the perfect angle. He then beamingly smiles when he found the perfect angle.

Jungwon:"Gosh,I'll never delete this!"

He quickly snaps a couple of shots and slides his phone into his pocket. He runs into the kitchen and quickly makes some ramen for him and his friends as soon as they wake up.

20 minutes later

Sunoo finally wakes up, along with Heeseung. At first, Sunoo doesn't realise that Heeseung was laying on him. He looked around.

Huh, where's Jungwon?

Suddenly an arm hit his face accidentally. He looks down to see Heeseung. Heeseung was stretching,he had no idea he was on Sunoo lap.


Heeseung flinched looking up.


Heeseung quickly gets off while Sunoo runs to Jungwon.

Sunoo:"Gosh Yang Jungwon! I know you did this!"

He jumps onto Jungwon back, not too aggressively, while he was plating the food for all his friends.

Heeseung follows too.

Heeseung:"Yah dummy, you seriously laid me on that guy lap!"

Sunoo:"I have a name you know!"

Heeseung:"I didn't ask!"

Jungwon mentally face palms himself.

Jungwon:"Gosh you two, go to the freaking living room,I'll bring the food to you"

Sunoo and Heeseung immediantly objects.

Sunoo:"No wonnie, we'll take our own plates"

Heeseung:"Yeah, we don't want you to do alot of work"

Jungwon:"Oh wow,what did i do to deserve you two!"

Sunoo laughs while smiling proudly.

Sunoo:"I know! I'm so great right!"

Heeseung playfully rolls his eyes.

Heeseung:"Ahem! Not 'I'm' it's 'we're' so great!"

Sunoo:"Yeah yeah"

Jungwon softly smiled, he picks up his plate,making his way to the living room. The other two followed as they all flopped down onto one couch, huddled with each other. There was a blanket near them, so they covered themselves with it.

Jungwon:"Okay! What movie should we watch?"

Sunoo and Heeseung thought for a while.

Sunoo:"Did you hear that Blackpink new documentary came out?"

Heeseung eyes lit up.

Heeseung:"Yes! Let's watch it!"

Jungwon agreed with the choice and he then puts it on. The boys of course fanboyed over them, have fun while watching it until...

Jungwon felt like he was being watched...

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