Part 16

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Their eyes widened as Niki quickly wiped his tears.

Jay:" O-oh Jungwon-"

Jungwon tried put on his best act, hoping that they wouldn't suspect him.

Jungwon:"Oh hey guys...and Niki"

An awkward atmosphere was clearly felt as the thick tension surrounded the boys.

Jake:"Well,uh, why are you here Jungwon?"

Jungwon:"Can't I be here?"

The boys all looked at each other awkwardly, surprised at Jungwon sudden savage attitude. Jungwon just laughed it off, trying to make it less awkward.

Jungwon:"Haha uh I'm joking! Well uh I came to retrieve my notebook"

Sunghoon:"Right, well umm..."

Sunghoon looked around.

Sunghoon:"Where's Sunoo?"

Jungwon plasters a playful smirk.

Jungwon:"Already interested in my friend?"

Sunghoon:"U-uh n-no it's not like that..."

Jungwon:"Hope so, coz you don't really have a chance"

Jay:"Yo chill, no need to discourage him"

Jungwon shamelessly shrugs.

Jungwon:"I don't believe in love,I think it's just a waste of your time"


Niki stood up and headed to Jungwon.

Niki:"Shut up, do not be rude to my friends"

Jungwon smirks.

Jungwon:"But it meant nothing to you when you left me heartbroken, depressed huh?"

Silence once again.

Jay got up, not taking any of this shit anymore. He shoves Jungwon out of the way and all his friends, including Niki followed as Jay exited the classroom. Jungwon scoffed and soon, he was the only one left in the classroom.

Jungwon:"That's what they get, still, it doesn't feel like enough"

He walks over to his desk to get his notebook. Soon, once he gets it, he also left the classroom, where all the chaos had began, and now it's peaceful.

Heeseung:"Damn you took forever wonnie!"

Jungwon walks over to his friends with a pissed off face.

Jungwon:"Yeah, yeah because of those stupid people"

Sunoo puzzingly looks at Jungwon.

Sunoo:"Mind explaining?"

Jungwon turns his head towards Sunoo direction.


Heeseung and Sunoo both listened attentively as Jungwon begins to explain.

Jungwon:"I met with Niki and his friends in the classroom"

Sunoo:"Omg! Did they do anything to you?"

Heeseung concerningly looks at Jungwon but sighed in relief as Jungwon shook his head indicating a no.

Jungwon:"No, instead, I saw Niki crying, saying that he's in love with me-"

Sunoo:"What the fuck?!"

Heeseung:"Wait! But he was the one who played with your feelings!"

Jungwon:"Exactly! So i kinda entered the classroom and like showed attitude, they don't know that i know about it though"

Heeseung:"Oh, but didn't you enter the classroom though?"

Jungwon:"I did but I acted as if I didn't know anything, I just came for my notebook after all, so like they think I don't know anything"

Sunoo nodded, taking in everything Jungwon had said.

Sunoo:"Well, nothing happened?"

Jungwon:"I kinda ruined the mood"

Heeseung raised his brows, already knowing what it was already.

Heeseung:"Lemme guess, with your attitude?"

Jungwon rolled his eyes and nodded.

Jungwon:"Yeah, Yeah, but they deserve it!"

Sunoo:"C'mon Jungwon, they didn't even say anything to you anyways!"

Jungwon:"Well it's not my fault, some guy called Sunghoon likes you,so I told him that he had no chance with you, and it kind of went heated from there"

Sunoo eyes widened while Heeseung teasingly smiled.

Heeseung:"Sunoo thinks he's cute tho-"

Jungwon:"WHAT?! Since when!"

Sunoo sighed in annoyance.

Sunoo:"Yah, shut up, you literally just said he had no chance with me,now, he might move on from me because of you!"

Jungwon just shrugged.

Jungwon:"Then you should make the first move, not my problem to be honest"

Heeseung smacked the back of Jungwon head.

Heeseung:"You're the cause of this, so go and help your friend!"

Jungwon:"Fine I will! Now can we go to the sleepover!"

They all laughed and headed into Heeseung car. This time, all of Niki friends had been listening to their convo. After the car was out of sight, Sunghoon jumped out from the hiding spot and squealed happily, with his arms up high in the air.

Sunghoon:"He likes me! Yay!"

All the boys laughed at Sunghoon goofiness and supported him. This just made Niki much more sadder.

Niki:"Jungwon knows that i like him, but he doesn't seem to care..."

Jay pats his back empathetically.

Jay:"Don't lose hope just yet! Maybe he'll come around to you soon, just right now isn't the perfect time"

Niki nodded silently, feeling his heart ache.

Jake:"I know this is kinda random but that Heeseung guy is kind of cute-"

All the boys ooooohed~ at Jake, making Jake flustered.

Jake:"Oh shut up! I don't really have a chance,I don't know if he even knows me"

Sunghoon jumped onto Jake back.

Sunghoon:"Bro, he'll definitely like you! Just make the first move, you can do it!"

Jake smiled after getting motivation from Sunghoon. All the boys gave some courage to Jake, as Jake just happily took in all the motivation he was receiving.

Niki silently watched this friends all congratulating Jake.

I really miss you Jungwon... if only he could just give me a chance to prove myself... I'll be the most happiest person ever!

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