Chapter One

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Maybe it was the door opening, maybe it the sound of his letter being read, maybe it was the sight of Sal's blue shoes moving toward his stall. Whatever it was it made Travis cry harder.

He was doing his best to cover it but it wasn't working. "Anyone in there?" Sal asked tentively.

Travis took a deep breath trying to steady his breathing. "No duh fuckwad, buzz off!" He quickly covered his mouth again. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

It was sad he was crying at all. Hes crying over these stupid homo feelings he has. He was disgusting.

"Travis? Where you just...crying a second ago?" Sal asked, making Travis mental curse himself. How could he been stupid enough to let Sal fucking Fisher hear.

He cleared his throat. "Sally face? I- no! What the hell Can't a guy get some privacy?" For fuck saks just go away please.

Sal moved slightly closer. "It's okay to have emotions ya know."

"Yea for queers! Just leave me alone alright?" He said.

Sal sighed. "Why do you hate me so much?"
Why did he hate Sal? Maybe it was the crush he had on him, maybe it was the jealousy he felt seeing him so happy and making his own decisions, maybe it was the fact that he was a sinner. Who knows?

Travis let out a shaky breath. "Because you and your dumb friends are all a bunch of homos! It's sick! It's not right! God will never love you! Why should I?" Sal sighed, and sat down leaning against the stall Travis was hiding in.

"Ya know we all aren't actually gay, right?" Sal laughed to himself. "Well besides Todd. Todd is super gay." Sal kept going. "But that's part of who he is and I think that's wonderful. He's one of the kindest people I know. How can anyone hate Todd?" Travis scoffed. "Is your father pushing these believes on you?"

"Just because my dad a preacher doesn't means he owns me! I'm my own person!" Lie. That was a bold face fucking lie. Kenneth owned Travis and everyone knew it.

"Yea, but..." Sal shook his head. "Well you seem so unhappy, man. Are you sure your dad isn't putting to much pressure on you? I bet it's tough being the son of such an intense man." Travis joined Sal on the floor also leaning against the stall door.

"You have no idea what it's like." He said, chewing on his already raw bottom lip.

Sal huffed. "I'm sorry man."

"Don't feel sorry for me, Sally face! I don't your pity." Travis bit. God Travis just shut up.

"We don't have to be enemies, you know that right?" Sal unbuckled the bottom strap of his mask. "I think under all that angrier there's a good dude who's afraid to be himself." Sal carefully reached his hand underneath the stall laying it on top of Travis'. "If you ever need some to talk to or you need to get away from your dad for a while, you can come hangout with me."

Travis choked on another sob. "Why- why are you being so nice to me?" He bit down hard onto his lip, not letting the sob out.

"I don't think you're a bad person Travis." He squeezed his hand.

Travis took a shaky breath. "You know...I don't really hate you...or your friends."

Sal let out a breathy  laugh. "I don't really think so."

"I- I guess well- I'm sorry I've been such an asshole. You didn't deserve that." What. Is. Happening. Why did Travis just apologize.

Sal smiled.  "That means a lot to me. It really does." Travis doesn't try to hide this sob. Sal squeezes his hand again. "Thank you. And what I said, about being her if ever decide you want a friend. I meant that."

"Don't push your luck, Sally face." Sally laughed. A genuine one. It made Travis' heart swell. Travis couldn't help but join him. The laugher is nice.

It felt nice to laugh. And to make someone else laugh. Even if it was over something stupid. After a while the two stopped. Sal squeezed his hand again and stood up. "I have to go back to Larry. I'll talk to you again right?" Travis jumped up and opened the stall door and lounge froward yanking Sal into a hug. Sal giggled and hugged him back.

It was kind of akward since Travis was hunching over so he could hide his face in Sals shoulder but neither seemed to mind. Sal could feel Travis wet face on his shoulder. After a long few seconds Travis pulled away. He wiped his eyes and looked at Sal. "Um. Ill see ya know." And with that he practically ran out of the bathroom.

Sal laughed again. He turned toward the mirror and starred. That was nice. He thought. To himself. Larry is gonna kill me. He ran out of the bathroom.

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