Chapter Twenty-Three

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Sal tuned his guitar while music played. He wasn't really listening to it but he needed some kind of noise.




Sal smiled and went to his window. "You know you can use the door." He said as he opened the window.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna see Larry." Travis said.

Sal pulled Travis into the room. "Why?"

"Cause when I do I'm gonna have to thank him." He caught his balance. "And right now all I wanna do is be with you." Sal smiled. Travis dug his face into Sal's shoulder. "I don't wanna talk about anything, I just want you."

Sal knotted his fingers in Travis' hair. "We can do that." He kissed the top of Travis' head. "Do you wanna let me play with your hair?"


Sal sat on the bed, allowing Travis to lay his head on his lap. "Baby you know I love you right?" Sal hummed.


"And I always will." Sal said, guiding his hands through Travis' hair. "I love your voice, it makes me feel so happy just hearing you speak." Sal smiled. "I love how honest you are with me."

Travis felt a ping of guilt stir inside him.

"I love how you make an effort to talk to me even about small, meaningless thing." Sal continued. "I love that you make me feel wanted and love. I love that you feel comfortable enough to tell me the small things about you like how you bake, and about the bigger stuff."

Sal laughed to himself. "I love how-"

"I kissed someone." Travis said.

Sal removed his hand. " what?"

Travis stood up. "I'm sorry." He breathed out. "It didn't mean anything. It was an accident. "

Sal scoffed. "How the fuck do you accidentally kiss someone else?" Sal voice was shaky.

Travis looked at his father who had beckoned him to the doorway. "Yes father?" He asked looking at the rather beautiful girl standing in the door way.

"I got you a date!" Kenneth announced excitedly. "You're nearly 18 you're gonna be needing to start a family soon!"

Travis felt his heart sink. "Um. Let me get changed, yeah?" He nodded to the girl.

"Okay!" She said politely.

Travis went up stairs and slammed his door shut. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He mumbled as he quickly got dressed. "What the fuck do I do?"

He walked down the stairs, praying she was gonna be gone. She wasn't. He cleared his throat and offered her his arm. "Shall we go?"

"Be safe!" Kenneth yelled at the made their way down the drive way.

Travis anxiously chewed on his lip. How was he gonna get out of this? "So um what do you wanna-"
And like that. Her lips were on his. He yanked away wiping his mouth. "What the fuck?"

She looked around making sure his house was out of sight. "I'm sorry!" She said. "I just your dad- he seemed quite set on you getting a girlfriend and I felt that if he saw us kiss it would be easier than going on some fake ass date."

"So you fucking kiss me? Without any fucking warning?" Travis felt tears grow in his eyes.

The girl tried to touch his shoulder which he shoved off. "Look I'm sorry but it's not like you have a girlfriend or anything, or else why would I be here?" Travis looked away. "Wait. Fuck. Are you dating someone?" Travis looked away. "Fuck I'm so sorry I shouldn't have assumed. Here ya know what you go see them. I'll cover for you."

"I-" Travis tried to interject.

"No seriously. I'll figure out something to do, you go see them." She insisted.

And now he was here. "Sal it's hard to explain."

"How!" Sal snapped. "How the fuck do you do that Travis?"

"It's just- I was on this date-"

Sal's laughed. "You were on a fucking date? Travis what the fuck?" Tears left his real eye.

"Sal please-"

"What?" He shook his head. "You said I love you first."

"I know."

"You kissed me first."

"I know."

"And then you cheat me?" Sal's voice was becoming even shakier.

Travis shook his head. "It's not that simple."

"How!" He yelled. Sal whipped his nose. "You know what? I don't care." Sal allowed hard. "Can you just leave... please?" He was on the brink on a sob.

Travis wanted to stay. He wanted to explain. But he couldn't. Not with the way Sal was looking at him. "Okay. I- I'm sorry." Sal's body was shaking.
Travis let out the window.

Sal sat back down on his bed. "What the fuck?" He mumbled. He dropped his face into his hands. He couldn't control the sobs that were escaping him.

"Hey Sal do you have my-" Larry barged in. "Hey what's wrong?" He sat on the bed draping his arm around him.

Sal whipped his eyes. "Uh it's nothing. Just a long day I guess." Larry sighed. Sal was struggling to get his crying to stop.

"Sal come on." Larry said. "Talk me, what's wrong?"

Sal took a shaky breath. "Uh." He started. "Someone I cared about hurt me." He finally said. He was gonna keep it vague for Travis' sake. "And I just- I don't know I just broke down."

Larry sighed. "It's normal to break down man. You're hurt."


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