Chapter Three

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After the bittersweet moment in the bathroom Sal  managed to con Travis into giving him, his number.

Unknown: heyy :) it's Sal!!

Travis :): hi

       *Travis changed unknown to Sinner*

Sinner: :((

Sinner: that's just rude

Travis :): how

Sinner: >:(

Travis :): what

Sinner: shit I gtg I'll text you later

Travis :): bye

Sal put his phone down and put his mask back on. "Sally dude hurry up."

"I'm coming." He said, opening his door. He was going to skating rink with Larry and the others. He was really excited.

When sal was in New Jersey he was a big skater. He would go with his mom or his friends and skate for hours. That was of course before what happened. After the accident Sal stopped skating. He had no reason to. He would skate around his neighborhood occasionally but he never really got into it.

Now he has a reason. He had friends. He was going to go skating with the people he loved.

He was excited.

He walked into the hallway, glancing at a slouching Larry. "Finally." Sal rolled his eyes and followed Larry to the elevator. "You're shaking." Larry pointed out.

"I'm super excited." Sal said. He was practically jumping out of his skin.

Larry laughed at his excitement. "I'm gonna bust my ass."

"I haven't been skating since I was 8." Sal said day dreamingly. "I used to go with my mom all the time but ya know. Couldn't do that anymore." Larry looked at him.

Sal never really talked about his mom. He never really talked about his childhood at all. He was extremely reserved. Larry had gotten a little bit out of a few times but nothing just out right.

"I thought about asking my dad to take me a couple times but I just never did." Sal continued.

His dad. Sal hardly talked about what his dad was like either. He would never tell Larry about his severe alcoholism. He wouldn't let Larry think less of his dad. His dad is better now. There's no point in bringing up the past.


Sal didn't get off the rink for two straight hours. He only took a break because of how tired he was. He didn't lose any of his talent. He was an amazing skater. "Sal dude." Larry huffed out. "How the fuck do you skate so long?"

Sal took a long sip out of his water bottle. "I don't know." He put his water down and lifted the bottom of his mask slightly. He couldn't really breathe with it all the way on so this was servicing. He was panting. "Ash I didn't know you could skate."

She nodded. "My dad and I go time to time." She said with a shrug. "Where did Maple and chug go?"

Sal looked around still panting. "Probably making out somewhere." Larry laughed.

"Sal why don't you go to the bathroom and take the mask off for a second?" Neil suggested. "You're just breathing really hard."

"Actually I'm gonna do that." Sal said. "Thanks Neil." Sal got up and made his why to the bathroom.

He walked into the bathroom and checked the stalls. Nobody. He sighed and unbuckled the top strap of his mask. He caught the mask in hands and sat it on the sink. He was still breathing heavily but it was easier. He looked into the bathroom mirror.

He studied his face. The missing chunk in his cheek. The row of visible teeth. The scars that were on every inch of his face.

It was disgusting.

How anyone looked at it without wanting to throw up was beyond Sal. He hated his face. He usually wouldn't look in the mirror until his mask was on. 

He took a deep breath and put his mask back on. He walked back into the crowded skating rink and made his way to his friends. "Hey." He said.

"Better?" Todd asked. Sal nodded.

He adjusted his skates, making sure they were laced properly. "I'm going back on the rink." Larry groaned. "Who's coming?"

"I am." Ash said, jumping up.

Neil got up and stretched. "I'm coming."


Ash laughed. "Larry man maybe if you didn't smoke so much you could breathe better."

Larry huffed. "Or you guys could have slowed down." He said in-between breaths. Sal couldn't help but laugh. "Don't laugh at me!" He said also laughing. 

Sal's feet hurt and his legs felt like jelly. Even so. He loved today. Spending time with his friends doing something he loved. It was amazing.

"Ash are you staying the night?" Sal asked.

Ash checked her phone. "Hm let me ask." She did some typing and then looked up. "No I'm not. Larry can you take me home?"

"Yea, no problem."

It was a silent drive to Ash's house. Not a bad or awkward silence, just the quiet. They were all tired and ready to go straight to bed.

Ash got dropped off at her house. She said her goodbyes and they boys made there way to Addison Apartments. Once they made it inside they boarded the elevator. "Man I'm so tried." Sal said.

"Same." Larry laughed. "I'm gonna walk in and fall asleep on the couch." Sal laughed too.

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