Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sal say in the living room waiting for Travis to show up. He had discarded his mask on the coffee table. He was excited. He was extremely excited.

He couldn't sit still. He never could sit still but right it was so much worse. It felt like his veins we're gonna burst out of his skin.

Knock. Knock.


Sal got up from the couch, and opened the door. "Hey T-" Sal didn't get a chance to finish his sentence.

Travis' lips were on his the minute he saw him. Sal quickly reciprocated, draping his arms around Travis' neck.

"Fuck I love you." Travis said breathlessly.

Sal smiled. "I love you."

Travis slipped inside, closing the door. He grabbed Sal's face and kissing him again, his back hitting the door. Sal knotted his hands into Travis' hair.

"Wait." Sal said reluctantly pulling away. "Larry's home he might-"

Travis shook his head. "I don't care. I just want to kiss you." Sal smiled, lunging forward pressing his lips to Travis' again.

It was more rushed, and more impatient than the last. Travis pressed Sal's body against his own. They were both trying to get closer even though that was evidently impossible.

"Sal I never asked do you have my guitar strings?" Larry asked.

Sal jumped back running a hand through his messy hair. "Uh yeah. They're in my room."

Larry looked up. "Oh Travis I didn't know you were here." Sal pulled down his Pig Tails. "Your hairs kind of crazy." Sal covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing .

"Is it?" Travis asked, glancing at Sal.

Sal shook his head and sat down on the couch. Travis quickly joined sitting next to Sal. Larry glared at them before making his way to Sal's room.

"Holy fuck." Sal laughed, leaning against Travis' arm. Sal's phone vibrated, making Travis jump.

Todd: Hey

Sal: hey

Todd: Are you with Travis?

Sal: ywa

Sal: yea*

Sal: how did you know that?

Todd: Because I just saw you kissing someone who looks an awful lot like Travis

Oh shit.

"Uh Trav." Sal said, showing Travis the phone.

Travis reread the messages over and over again. "Oh shit." He covered his mouth reading it again. "I mean- fuck- it's Todd he wouldn't-even though I definitely deserve it-he wouldn't say anything."

Sal grabbed his hand. "Never. He knows what it's like to ya know be gay." Travis nodded resting his head on the back of the couch.

"It's my own fault." Travis said. "I missed you." He tugged at his hair. "Fuck. That was dumb."

Sal laughed. "Not gonna lie, it kind of was." Travis rolled his eyes. "But I liked it."

Travis glanced at him. "Oh did you now?" He wrapped his arms around Sal's waist.

Sal smiled and grabbed his phone.

Sal: don't say anything please

Todd: You know I wouldn't do that.

Todd: How long have you been dating?

Sal: 2-3 months I can't remember

Sal: Feels like longer

Todd: I thought it would be longer.

Sal: that's what she said lol

Todd: really?

Sal: sorry sorry

Sal laughed, and threw his phone to the side. "What is Larry doing?" He stood up, quickly followed by Travis.

Sal opened his door, locking eyes with Larry. "What are you doing?" He asked, noticing the book in his hand.

"You have a Bible?" Larry asked.

Sal shook his head, taking it from him. "Look." He opened it showing the highlighted sections. "I wanted to learn some Bible verses a couple of months back, and also all the inconsistencies."

"You did an analysis on the Bible?" Travis asked, taking it.

Sal nodded. "Had to prove you wrong some how."

Travis rolled his eyes. "So much for 'growing up Christian' huh." He joked.

"I did actually grow up Christian." Sal took the Bible and sat it on his desk.

Travis laughed and sat on the bed. "Could have fooled me."

"Need i remind you, what you were just doing?" Sal said sarcastically.

Travis' face became slightly red.

"I feel like I shouldn't be here." Larry said, grabbing his strings. "Imma go." He left the room, carefully not to slam the door.

Sal laughed. "He's so damn nosey."


"Hey Travis." Ash said pulling his attention away from Sal. "When do you turn 18?"

"A month."

Sal snapped his head in Travis' direction. "That's so soon." He climbed over Travis' body and grabbed his phone. "We've gotta figure out a way to get you out of your dad's house soon then."

Travis jerked forward. "What?"

"I wasn't joking Travis. When I said I wanted you to live with me I meant it." Sal said.

Ash did a double take. "Wait what?" She laughed. "You guys haven't been dating that long-"

"No Ash- I love him but I don't want him living with me just because of that." Sal said.

Travis shook his head. "Sal if we did that you could end up dead."

"I don't care." Sal responded. "I will get you out of that hell hole."

"No Sal, I'm not exaggerating he might actually kill you." Travis said getting off of Sal's bed.

Sal glared at him. "I know that. It's not it'll be the first time I've almost died."

"Sal!" Travis snapped.

"Travis. I'm not scared of your dad." Sal said. "I told you I'm getting you out of that house. I meant it."


"Travis there is no point in arguing with him." Ash piped in.

Travis ran his hand through his hair. "Ash no. He could actually die sorry but I'm not okay with risking my boyfriend's life."

"Good thing it's not up to." Sal spit.

"You-" Travis started.

Sal cut him off. "Travis I don't care. I know the risk, and I'm going to take them. Stop trying to argue with me about this."

Ash stood up and placed her hand on Travis' shoulder. "I'll make sure he's safe." They said.

"You guys. I'm not stupid I don't need protection." Sal sighed.

Travis scoffed. "Humor me."

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