Chapter Seventeen

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Sal paced around his room, going over the events of today over and over again in his head. His mask discarded onto the side table. His hands were knotted in his hair simultaneously ruining his pig tails.

Larry who was knocking on the door was starting to panic. What the fuck is going on? He thought. He knocked on the door again. "Hey what's going on?"

Sal wanted to. He wanted to talk to Larry and tell him everything. But he couldn't. Travis' sexuality was on of his biggest struggles. He couldn't break Travis' trust like that.

Sal pulled his hair down the rest of they way, letting it fall on his shoulders. He opened the door and mustered the smile he could. "I'm good. Just exhausted." Larry seemed to believe him.

Larry let out a sigh of relief. "Oh okay good."

Sal felt the small pain lying to Larry but he couldn't tell him the truth. "I'm gonna take a nap." He said, moving to close the door. "Good night."  Larry nodded.

Sal sat down on his bed. He didn't know what to do. What can he do?

After 20 minutes of debate he decided to text Travis.

Sal: Travis

Ten minutes go by no answer.

Sal: Travis

Another ten minutes.

Sal: can you please come over?

Sal: we like need to tslk

Sal: talk*

Ten more minutes.

Travis :): fine

Sal sighed in relief and waited for Travis. He waited impatiently for him to show up, as he was taking longer than normal.

His nails were goners. After what felt like hours he finally heard a knock on his window. He jumped off the bed and opened the window.

Travis came in and awkwardly stood in the room. Sal looked at him. "So uh." He started. "You wanna like explain?" He sat on his bed. Travis turned away. "Like one second we're talking about your crush and then next your kissing me like? I don't know how to feel right now."

Travis snapped his head in his direction. "Wait I'm confused. What are you upset about?"

"Dude. You're giving mixed fucking signals here." Sal was started to struggle keeping his voice down.

Travis shook his head. "I thought you'd be mad I kissed you."

"I said you could." Sal snapped. He took a deep breath and balled his face. "I just- why did you kiss me?"

Travis looked at him. "Why- what because you said I should make a move-"

"Wait-" sal looked at him wide eyed. "You were talking about me?"

"Sal yes." Travis said sitting next to him. "Sal I am so fucking into you, and it scares the shit out of me. I shouldn't feel this way for a boy and yet I do. I fell for you and I just- I couldn't handle not telling you anymore. I mean like fuck every time I see you it gets worse. And like not being around you wasn't an option because you make me so fucking happy." He grabbed Sals face. "And I just. Fuck. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Sal leaned into his hand. "Travis." He said. "Dude. You don't know how long I've felt the same way. I just- I didn't want to overwhelm especially with everything going on with your dad." Travis' eyes looked onto Sal's. "Like fuck dude." Sal smiled.

"Sal I want this." He kissed the top of his head. "I do I really do but I don't- I can't like- I want to be with you but if anyone knew-"

Sal placed his hand on top of Travis'. "Trav. I would never force you do anything you don't want too. I mean I can wait-"

"But I can't." Travis interuppted. "I don't want to wait. I want to be with you. Likes I'm so in to you and knowing you feel the same I just- I can't handle just being friends."

Sal felt his stomach doing back flips. "I mean we could keep it quiet." Sal said. "I mean if you want, I don't mind."

"Keep it quiet?"* Travis asked.

"I mean like not tell anyone. Not until you're ready." Sal said.

Travis shook his head. "I can't ask you to do that."

"But I'm okay with it. Like I don't care if people know as long as I can call you my boyfriend even in private I'd be okay." Sal insisted.

Travis looked at him. "I mean- if you're comfortable with it then I mean I'd be okay with it." He watched Sal's eye light up. It made him smile. "Can I uh. Can I kiss you?"

"Yeah." Sal said quietly. Travis quickly closed the small amount of space between them and kissed him. It was more comfortable this time, as if they were getting the hang of it.

It made the knot that had grown is Travis' stomach fade away. "Is that? Was that okay?" He asked.

Sal laughed. "Yeah. Yea Trav it was."

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