Chapter Four

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Sinner: Good morning :)) I hope you have a good day!!

Everyday. Every single day Travis wakes up to some sort of good morning text from Sal. It made his chest swell. The fact Sal took time out of his day to text him. Travis felt like a school girl.

Travis :): Morning

Travis threw his phone onto the bed and started getting ready for school. He put on a purple sweater his mom gave him and his usual shorts. He slipped on his green shoes and looked in the mirror.

He gripped at his side as he looked in the mirror. It hurts. It hurts so much. His dad had came home angrier last night. 

"Travis!" Kenneth snapped.

Travis sighed and made his way down the stairs to be meant with his fathers red and puffy face. He was mad about something. God knows what. "Sir?"

"What is wrong with you!" Kenneth yelled.

Travis didn't know what he did. He didn't know why Kenneth was so mad. It was always worse when he didn't know what he did wrong because then he couldn't ask for forgiveness. "Um- Sir- I um I don't understand." With that Travis was slapped to the ground with a painful thud.

"You stupid boy." Kenneth said with a kick. He repeated this behavior. Screaming insults and mindless sentences whilst kicking Travis in his side. Some kicks landed in his face others landed in stomach wherever Kenneth can get his hands on he was kicking. "You're a disgusting faggot."  He said before leaving.

Travis signed and grabbed his backpack. He shook away the memories from last night and made his way out the door. He made sure not to slam it. With that he made his way to school.

He walked to school. It was soothing. The small amount of alone time he got always made him feel calm. It was the only time he had to himself.

That's why Travis hated summer time. During summer there was no reason to go on walks by yourself. Only home. And church.

Travis honestly hated chruch. It was the same stuff week. And Travis always got put in charge of watching the kids. He hated watching kids. He hated kids. They were always so gross and messy. And if said mess wasn't clean up Travis got beat. It didn't make sense to Travis. Why was he in trouble for something someone else did?

Travis however new better than to question his father. It was against the bible. Never question your father. He's the head of the household.

Still. Travis was so aggravated. He hated it. Why was it always his fault? What did he do to deserve this? Travis ran a hand through his hair. He knew why. It was his homosexual thoughts he had late in the middle of the night.

The thoughts of a certain blue haired boy. The thoughts that made his heart ache and his stomach have butterflies. It was wrong. He knew that. But why did it feel so right? Why did the thought of cuddling with another boy in the middle of night, gently kissing his lips feel so right?

Another thing Travis could never understand, was why was homosexuality so wrong? What made it so sinful? Why was it so frowned upon?

Travis shook his head. He knows better than to question God's word. He didn't have the right.

He bit down on his lip, successfully making it bleed. His phone vibrated making him jump.

Sinner: Did you sleep good??

Travis :): Yes, did you?

Sinner: I slept okay!

Travis smiled. He liked texting Sally Face. It made him feel warm inside.

Sinner: did you studu for the test today?

Sinner: stidy*

Sinner: study

Travis :): Test?

Sinner: in math

Travis :): fuck

Travis :): I didn't know we had a test

Sinner: that's okay!!

Sinner: I'll let you use my notes :))

Travis :): I don't need them

Sinner: Trav come on

Travis felt his face get warm. Trav? Why did he call me Trav? He rubbed his face trying to become less flustered.

Sinner: I don't mind!! Plus what did Mrs, Packerson moved me more?

Travis :): fine

Sinner: yay!!


Travis took his usual seat in class. He subtlety watched the door waiting for Sal. And once he saw the blue haired boy with his usual pig tails he felt his mood change to a happier one.

Stop it Travis. Don't think those thoughts. Travis scolded himself. "Hey Trav." Sal said excitedly.

Travis felt butterflies in his stomach. "Uh hey Sal." He responded.

Sal's eyes crinkled, suggesting he was smiling. He reached into his bag and pulled out a notebook. "Here are the notes." He opened the note book and sat it on the crease in-between their desk.

Travis skimmed over them. Sal's notes were near. It was really organized. Honestly Travis wouldn't of thought the notes were Sal's if it wasn't for the little doodles on the sides of the pages. "You're really...neat."

Sal nodded. "It makes studying easier." Travis mad a 'O' shape with his mouth. "You ready?" Sal asked.

Travis scoffed. "No." Sal laughed.

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