Chapter Six

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Sal didn't leave Travis' house until it was time for school. He ended up borrowing Travis' clothes and walking to school with him. "Larry is gonna kill me." Sal joked.

"Why?" Travis questioned.

Sal skipped ahead of Travis a little. "He usually drives me. I didn't tell him I didn't need a ride till just now." He waved his phone around. Sal was jumpy. He was practically bouncing off the walls.

Travis on the other hand was tired. He wasn't used to staying up this late. Sal obviously was. Travis didn't mind it though. Sal was nice company. "Hey Trav?"


"Do you like rollar skating?" Sal asked.

Travis shrugged. "I've never been, why?"

Sal gasped. "You've never been?" Travis nodded. "One day we're gonna have to go." Sal laughed. "I went with Larry and all them to the new rink that opened up."

"Did you have fun?" Travis asked.

Sal nodded. "A lot." He danced around in the street smiling. He reached a hand out toward Travis, the sleeves of the large sweatshirt falling past his hands. "Come here." He sang.

Travis did as he was told and took Sal's outreached hand. He did his best to hide how flustered he was becoming.  "What now?" He questioned.

Sal laughed. "Dance with me."

Travis scoffed. "We can't dance in the middle of the road Sal."

"Why not?"

"It's not safe."


"Sal. Come on." Travis sighed. It didn't seem like he was gonna win this one. "Fine." Sal pulled him into somewhat of a hug and made the two sway around the road. Occasionally Sal would spin himself or Travis.

Travis, dispite his pleas of displeasure was having fun. He liked spending time with Sal. Sal made him feel happy. Hell, he just spent the last 4 hours doing nothing but talking to him and now he was dancing in the middle of street with him. There was no more question about it. Travis definitely had feelings for Sal. He knows they're wrong. He knows he should feel those kinds of feelings for a boy, but it felt so right. Why did something so wrong feel so right?

"Hey Trav?" Sal pulled him out of thought.


Sal's eyes crinkled. "You okay?" Travis nodded.


Sal tapped his fingers table, singing to himself. "Hey Sal?" Larry called. Sal looked up at him. "Where were you this morning?"

Sal balanced his chair on the back two legs. "Uh." He clicked his tongue.

"Yea and who's closes are those?" Ash piped in.

Sinner: hey uh my friends are asking questions

Travis :): what?

Sinner: about your clothes and stuff

Travis :): so?

Sal sighed.

Sinner: what do I say?

Sinner: I don't want to say "I went over to Travis' house bc his dad was beating him and didn't want to leave afterward bandaging him"

Travis laughed.

Travis :): say what you want Idc

Sal rolled his eyes. "Uh. I was at Travis' house." Ash choked on her drink.

"What?" Larry asked. "Why!"

Sal was suddenly very thankful he was wearing mask. "Um, he had my notebook and I needed in my first period." It was the best lie he could come up with.

"Your clothes?" Todd questioned.

"Travis spelt a drink on me." Sal lied.

Sal hated lying to his friends. He was never one to keep secrets from his friends. But this one wasn't his to tell. He can't just blabber to Larry about Travis' home life.

"Why did he have your notes?" Ash asked. Shit. Sal didn't think that far ahead.

"Um." Sal started. "He asked to barrow them." He was digging himself into a hole.

"Since when were you on 'borrowing each other's notes' terms?" Larry asked with a scoff.

Sal shrugged. "Since he apologized."

"What!" Ash shouted. "When did Travis apologize!" Sal laughed and felt his phone vibrate in his lap.

Travis :): why did Ashley just shout my name?

Sinner: I told her you apologized

Travis :): what all did you say?

Flamer: that I came over to get my notes, you spelt a drink on me which is why I'm in your clothes, and that you apologized.

Travis :): oh

Travis :): you didn't like say anything about my dad right?

Sinne: ofc not that's private

           *Travis :) changed Sinner to Sal*




Sal did a little fist bump underneath the table. Sal looked up at Travis who was smiling down at his phone. His smile is so...pretty. it made Sal feel happy he was the reason Travis was smiling.

Travis :): I can demote you just as quick

Sal: I saw that smile Travis Phelps you secretly like it >:)

Travis looked up from his phone, his face as red as tomato. He flipped Sal off. Sal laughed, and returned the favor.

Travis :): leave me alone

Sal: Never :)

Sal: oh but actually do you want to go skating?

Travis :): you were serious about that?

Sal: Yea

Travis :): I can try

Travis :): what day

Sal: next Friday? After school

Sal: you can walk with me!! And I'll pay!!

Travis :): I'll ask ig


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