Dream Entry #58, Two Familiar Personalities

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~Thursday, August 15th, 2019
Two Familiar Personalities
I had this dream about 5 or 6 nights ago.~

    I was at some sort of protest, everyone was protesting against something. Or, more like... someone, but I couldn't tell who it was. Doni was with me, and was asking me a series of questions. One of them being "Who don't you mind?'

I wasn't sure how to interpret that question, it was quite abstract. After thinking a bit, I answered.

"Well, I guess I don't mind, Keiran, or you."

I wasn't quite sure what she meant by asking that, so that's all I could say.

"Alright. Well, you think about it." Doni told me, folding up a list she had been writing on, probably adding the names I mentioned to it.

All of a sudden, I accidentally bumped into a protestor.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up at them.

It was a woman. She looked like she was in her late teens, if not early 20's. She looked like she was about to tell me it was okay, but as soon as she saw my face, her expression quickly changed to that of disgust.

"You!" She shouted, before turning to the crowd of protestors. "It's Wayra!"

I gulped nervously before answering.

"Y-yeahp, that's me... may I help you?"

Doni had started listening intently.

"Yeah," the woman said. "Give me back my boyfriend!"

I was confused.

"Give him back? What-"

"Don't act dumb, I know you stole him from me, you stole the boyfriends of everyone here!" She screamed.

I was so shocked that I didn't even bother to mention that dumb actually meant "unable to speak". A disability.

At this point, I started to notice that all the protesters were girls, though there were also a few angry gay and bi men who apparently also thought the same. A lot of people were even carrying signs that read "Out with Wayra, the foxy she-demon!" Or signs with a picture of my face plastered on it, with an ❌ on it, or a knife sticking through it.

'Sheesh,' I thought. 'They really hate me. It feels weird, I'm not used to being hated...'

Doni was snickering uncontrollably.

"Please," she said. "Wayra, steal your boyfriends? Don't make me laugh, it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

The woman ignored Doni's hysterical laughing and kept glaring at me.

"Everyone," she shouted out loud, grabbing everyone's attention. "Attack!"

It was the scariest thing I had ever felt. A wave of angry girls and gay men were charging at me with knives in their hands from all directions. It was terrifying! I didn't know what to do, where to go. Where could I? I was surrounded! I closed my eyes and waited to be stabbed in different painful locations.
But I wasn't. Instead, I felt someone lift me up, putting my feet on their shoulders, away from all the people below. Opening my eyes, I saw... Spencer? Doni's older brother! He was slightly taller that he usually was. Wait, no... everyone else was small. The whole mob had been made up of legal dwarves the whole time! There was no way their knives could reach me, standing on Spencer's shoulders!

I could see Spencer smirking down at them with an amused face as they desperately tried to reach me. Spencer reached for his melodica, (a mini piano that plays when you press a key and blow air through a tube) hanging as always by his side, and played a long minor chord. When he was done he peeked up at me and said:

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