Dream Entry #8, Kiss Killed?

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Dream Entry #8
Sunday, October, 16th, 2016

Kiss Killed?

I had this dream last night. I will do my best at describing it, It's kind of weird...
I was in this world where *The Flash existed.

*The Flash is a TV series consisting of a guy who is extremely fast, when he runs it's a blur.*

I found out that the flash was sick and trying to get better! Also, there was some bad guys doing some very bad things. And since The Flash wasn't there to help, I stepped in instead! I was dreaming, so I could have any magic powers I wanted to help me defeat them. So, like The Flash, I gave myself super speed.
The next part is kind of foggy, but there was someone there with me, an old woman I think. Somehow I got some sort of earphones on my head. The type that covers your entire ear. They had a lightning symbol on them.

(Thats The Flash's logo)

I put them on and started running. I guessed that when I run super fast they light up and glow, but I was still not sure how they worked or what they do other than glow... So I ran for a while! After a while, I got bored. So I decided to stop running. But just as I'm about to, there was a blinding flash, and I found myself in a dark forest. The old woman that was next to me, handed me a magic wand. What for? I had NO idea! I then felt this cold feeling of dread. I felt it all at my feet. An ice cold sensation, slowly creeping upward. To my ankles, to my legs, my knees, then creeping up to my hips. What was this? I felt a breeze at the back of my neck. A hot unpleasant breeze. I slowly turned around and faced the dementor that I knew would be there.

(A dementor is a creature that makes you re-live only your saddest or most horrifying memories. Sucking out of the good ones you have. Once it's done with you, it gives you a "kiss" which sucks out your soul.)

Now I understood what the magic wand was for! Well, I was in a situation. The magic wand could help me! If I said the right spell. But this was starting to sound A LOT like Harry Potter! And plus, I didn't know the spell at all... so instead of using the wand, I try to improvise a new way out of the situation. I started running really fast in circles around the dementor. As usual, the headphone things started glowing! As I was about to do something to it, the old woman shook her head sadly and said:

"It's more power than you can handle! NO one has ever held that much power without..." She gulped before continuing, "Disintagrating."

I swallowed, but kept running. Dying, (even though I'm dreaming) would be a lot more pleasant that having my soul sucked out of my mouth by a kiss by an ugly black ghost-like creature, with nothing but a hole for the soul sucking mouth!

I shuddered.

Maybe this was too much power! I couldn't give up now though, that would be wrong, and shameful! I could ask for help from my friends... But I didn't want to drag them into this problem! What if their souls got kissed away? No. No, I would have to do this alone. I continue running in a blur around the dementor. I charge my power, and like *The Flash* does sometimes, I convert it to lightning and throw it at the dementor. It hits it's target. I stop running. Did I do it? Was it dead? The cold feeling comes back again. No, it hadn't affected the dementor at all! In fact... I think I made it stronger! It visibly grows. I zap it with lightning again. Oops. It grows scarier again. I stagger backward and trip, landing on my butt. I keep crawling backward until my back presses against a thick tree. The dementor slowly getting closer, and closer until I can feel it's foul breath on my face. I shut my eyes tight to keep them from stinging. Is this it? Am I going to get killed?

Let me think... I threw lightning at it, and it grew bigger because of that...

"It's not the lightning dear, it's whats in it. Not that you'll figure it out, no one ever has..." The old lady says.

Whats in the lightning? Odd... Wait. Maybe it's fear and hate! How can you kill death itself? With love! Maybe it's not such a bad idea to ask for help from my friends... We're friends, that's love! I start thinking of all the happy or funny, positive or even weirded and embarrassing moments I have had. Like accidentally kissing my friend Aura at aikido class one day, or running around playing infinity tag with River, Jaxon, and the others, laughing with Pink, (Jovial) at the Farmers Market, and having fun putting on the Recycled Youth play of *Down The Rabbit Hole* as the lead role of Alice one year, Being with my family, and loving my Pug dog Luna! Even if she does act mean around some dogs... (Sorry Jaxon's doggie) I'm about to bring a few of my friends into my dream, when the Dementor screams a loud bleating scream, and explodes, turning into fairy dust. The dust gets into my eyes and makes it so I can't see. Did I defeat it by just thinking about my fun times with friends?

When I get the dust out, I'm in jail. Well, the place where you go to see a friend who is in jail. A guard escorts me to a jail cell. As he is, I notice a lot of my friends are in jail. Including River, and Jaxon. The weird thing is that they seem perfectly happy that they are in jail! When I get escorted to a jail cell, a friend from Recycled Youth, Conner Olsen is in it! He is smiling. When he sees me, he grins.

"Hey Wayra, how are you?" He asks.

"Conner, hi! Why are you in jail?" I ask, confused.

Conner Sighs.

"The dementor," he answers.

"How do you know about that?" I ask.

Connor Reaches into his throat, pulls out a key, unlocks the jail door, walks over to me, and gives me a hug.

"It must of been terrifying fighting it!" He tells me sympathetically.

"Well, yeah! But only when I thought it was gonna kiss-" I'm cut off.

"Oh, Wayra!" Connor hugs me even tighter.

"Stop, I love you too, but your gonna suffocate me!" I warn him.

Connor lets go, and I gasp for air.

"Sorry," he says, before reading my puzzled mind. "The dementor has been enslaving us to feed off of our good thoughts. So when you turned it into dust the memories all came flooding back to us!" Connor explains.

"That explains all the happy faces." I realize.

" I gotta go now." Connor says.

He reaches walks back into his cell, locks the door with his key, and swallows it again. Then all of the other jail doors open, and everyone else is released to go home.

"No dementor, no jail." Conner explains.

"Why aren't you going?" I ask.

"I like it here," he says. "It's warm, and comfy."

"Ok, then... Bye!" I say as I wake up.

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