Dream Entry #21, Advisors and Dream Travelers UNITE

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Dream Entry #21, Advisors and Dream Travelers UNITE
Thursday, June 8th, 2017

    I had this dream last night. I can't explain too well where I was, but it was somewhere super green. I suddenly jumped from there to a small "room." The "room" was made of books and objects. That room was actually a portal! I floated to the bottom of the floor and moved an object. A tunnel opened to another world, and I went through it. It was an amazing place! Though I don't remember what it looked like, so just use your imaginations to imagine something amazing to YOU! I remember at some point I went back to. grab some apples. And when I went back to the amazing place, I saw River and Jaxon as elves! They both had long pointy ears, besides that, they looked exactly like they do in real life. Except for the fact that they were only wearing good, sturdy leaf pants, no shirt, and had strong abs. Probably from running and climbing trees so much through the woods. I walked over and tossed them some apples before biting into one myself.

"Wow. You guys are elves!" I said.

They laughed.

"You too!" River told me.

"Wow. You look strong!" Jaxon said.

Surprised, I looked down. I was. wearing a leaf belly shirt and pants. I also noticed I had some muscle too! I looked around. We were in a thick magical forest. I laughed.

"I guess I am." I said."C'mon, let's play!"

I leapt into the air and grabbed onto a tree branch, I swung onto it before jumping to the next. I kept agily jumping from tree to tree. River and Jaxon having no problem whatsoever keeping up. I looked to my side and saw Daniel M!

"Hey, Cristalina Starr!" He called to me, waving.

"Jason Tenjiro, nice to see you!" I said grinning.

In the real world, we were writing a fantasy story where we went by those names. While dreaming, everything from the story was true, like being Dream Travelers. We could go anywhere at all while dreaming, and had our own set of magical powers. Right now, Daniel/Jason was using his take-over magic to have wings and fly next to us. This was a regular dream, not a Dream Travel Dream, so it was a little different, and my subconscious was probably making it up, but it was still super fun! In the story, River and Jaxon gave me advice when I fell asleep. But this was different, so they were here with me!

"Daniel, these are River and Jaxon!" I explained.

"So these are the famous River and Jaxon." He said smiling.

"Wait, were famous?" Jaxon asked.

"Sort of." I answered.

"That's awesome!" River exclaimed.

Both me and Daniel laughed. I jumped from a tree, did a flip in the air, and waved goodbye smiling as I passed through a portal and woke up.

"See you soon!" I called to them all.

"See ya!" They all answered.

~Check out my and Jason_Tenjiro's story, The Dream Travel Adventures!~

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