Dream Entry #20, Bobbin' In The River

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Dream Entry #20, Bobbin' In The River
Friday, May 12th, 2017

    I had this dream last night. I was at the Mateel Community Center in Redway California for my 3d year of Recycled Youth. There were a lot of new people, but several old people were still there too! Like Sam, Mike, Kirian, Ishua, and many others. Biggs was still helping out backstage, and River and Jaxon were talking to each other in a corner watching. Daniel, who made it for his first year, but missed it last year, is there too. All of a sudden, a "new" black girl with her bushy black hair in a ponytail, comes up to me. Though I'm not sure if she is actually new, or just seems new to me because she might have been in Recycled Youth before I even joined. Anyways, she came up to me and pointed a finger at my face, yelling:


"What-?" I started confused.

But I was cut off as I was swept away to somewhere else. I landed in the middle of a large river. It was flowing downstream, only the river wasn't going DOWN but UP into the sky! I was soaked floating in the middle of it. All of a sudden, I heard someone singing. I looked, and next to me was this "black" man floating in the water singing:

"Don't worry,
about a thing,
cause every little thing,
is gonna be alright!"

Bob Marley's Three Little Birds song! Actually, that WAS Bob marley! He smiled at me as I sang along.

"You know me?" He asked when we finished singing.

"Yep! Even though you're dead, you and your songs are still famous!" I answered.

"That's nice to hear. You dead too?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Nope, I'm just visiting. Bye!" I said goodbye, and swam to shore.

I ran and jumped back to Recycled Youth somehow. When I did, everyone was clapping like I had just did something amazing. And the girl that had screamed "CHALLENGE" to my face was open mouthed. I laughed confused as I woke up.

~Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this dream! Later, when I actually experienced my 3d year of Recycled Youth, I was the only returning alumni. Turns out that the black lady that yelled challange at me, was a girl called Ajanay, (I THINK that's how you spell it) who is good at singing. So I actually met her after I dreamt about her, cool! 😂👍. Anyways, don't forget to:


Have a nice day! (Or night)
-Cristalina Starr-~

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