Red Lirium

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Red Lirium smuggling, huh? Not exactly her forte, but suppose someone has to make a living somehow. She had finally met the other dwarf, 'Bianca Davri' was her name. Varric had spoken both worryingly and highly of the dwarven women. Mostly concerned about what the Merchants guild would do if they caught wind of the two being seen together. Evelynn had to give credit where it was due, the women was a great shot with a bow, the banter that came back from her was funny yet stubborn, and she'd managed to track down a group of smugglers who were mining red lirium. It was a few things that made her feel a little bad about her first thoughts regarding her, but the feeling didn't last for very long. Busting such a dangerous operation was serious work, and she'd learned three things by the time they had finished off the miners. The first was more info on the stuff. It was alive and it had the blight. The second? Bianca knew better and was personally fucking studying it. The third? This whole thing was her. Fucking. Fault. The whole reason they were down there was because she'd been dumb enough to give a corrupted warden the key to the place. 

To say Varric was upset about that was an understatement. While he and Bianca had their little quarrel over it, Evelynn held her tongue and reframed from such, much to her own dismay or irritation. But she was certain Bianca could feel the heated glare being directed at her, having an angry inquisitor with two bright glowing greens was surely difficult to ignore. Varric was already upset as it was, concerned. So, rather than let the dwarven lady have it right then and there for their troubles, she had a better idea in mind. Instead, she found herself falling behind on their way back, carefully picking up shards and quietly wrapping them with a piece of spare fabric, and once they were out of the cave, carefully placing them into an open pocket on the dwarven woman. It was as simple as waiting, soon the chance presented itself she dropped it in, hardly difficult and when nobody was paying attention.  She knew what red lirium could do, but she didn't want to kill her. She just wanted to hurt her, really, really badly. 

She knew it was right. They could have had any of them killed or seriously injured, surrounded by red lirium, hostile miners, and even an alphas fucking demon. Far as they were concerned, if Bianca wanted to study the damn thing so badly it was worth endangering all their lives over it, then she could study the effects of such when given prolonged physical contact. 

' Really, she endangered all of us and expects to be left off scot free? What the hell was she thinking, this shit is deadly enough.. an Corypheus, whether she meant to or not she helped him with this stunt of hers. If it were truly up to me right now, I'd have Josephine arrange her for judgement, and she'd face it by my hand. Personally.' 

She couldn't help but find nothing but reasons to hate this woman, everything felt almost like a personal attack. Her mind went back to the other night, when she'd listened in on them and partially watched the two. Did Bianca know she was there? Was she aware of how close Varric was to her? Did this woman think she was stupid or something, did she really think that she, the inquisitor, would sit back and let this micro sized bitch walk away after everything? Well, regardless if she did or not, she'd pay for her sins one way or another. 

' You dug your own grave. Now lie in it.' 

Back at Skyhold, after the long travel back she let Varric go. Since he had found out about the whole ordeal he'd been all kinds of bent out of shape. Quiet, and once she tried to rest a comforting hand on his shoulder he physically shrugged it off. She made no attempts after that, and while it was painful to the heart by some degree, she still said nothing and let it be. Later that night however as she was in her quarters and getting ready for bed she heard her door open and quietly shut, by foot steps alone she already could tell who it was. 

" Ready for bed?" 

" Ah.. Just about, here in a minute.. " 

" Mmm.. Would you like to talk about what that was about?"  

" I, I don't know.. I know I'm usually the one giving you shit an all but, I am not good at dealing with this shit.. If  Cassandra hadn't dragged me here I'd be in Kirkwall right now, pretending none of this was happening." He sighed, having a seat on the bed and dropping his crossbow beside him. His head hung low, some stray strands of his blonde hair loose and falling into his face. She came over, carefully placing one hand under his chin to raise his face to look at her, while the other combed his hair back. 

" No you wouldn't." She gave him as warm a smile she could plaster on her face, given how much concern of hers was trying to bleed through into her expression. 

He leaned into her touch, feeling her marked palm cup a stubbly cheek of his. " I know.. Just-" He stopped himself, his voice going quieter than it already had been. He seemed lost in thought for a moment, before his eyes looked into her own. " Actually, why don't we all play a game of Wicked grace tomorrow night? I could use the distraction. Hell, I'd love to rope in Cullen if i could, guy needs to get himself away from a sword for a few hours."  

She could see what he was doing, and she wanted to press for it, but now didn't seem like the right time. He wanted a distraction, something to take his mind off of everything. Suppose a good partner would know what to do, but she honestly wasn't sure. 

" That sounds like a great idea. I'm certain you could talk him into it, you have a knack for that sort of thing anyway.." She sighed, leaning down and placing a kiss on his temple, " If you could talk your way into my arms, you should have no problem getting him to join the table."~  

It was good hearing him chuckle, better feeling those arms slink their way around her waist and pull her right in. 

" Stubborn, all of you. But what can I say, just a roguish charm is all." 

" Hmp, You're lucky your so good looking, else I'd have shot you with a fireball by now!" She joked, now hearing him laugh against her. 

As much as it was enjoyed, she did eventually peel away, spotting a few kisses to his face all the while. " Get ready for bed, I'll be here when you get done." She chuckled at his grumbling, watched as she slipped into her place in bed while he casted off his armor, to instead adorn simple and comfy clothing for bed instead. He didn't dawdle nearly as much as he muttered, but he finally shut up once he had climbed in and secured his spot with his face resting on her bosom. 

" Varric, do you think you'll speak to Bianca again, after..?" She asked quietly, feeling his arms around her waist go a little tighter. 

" I always do."  

' We'll see my dear. We'll see.' 


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