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"Milkshakes? Yum! Angela said, her friends rushing from behind her. I rolled my eyes, El looked worried, though. "Who is this? She asked, smirking. "Uh, El said. "Angela, thi...this is Mike, my boyfriend."

Mike shook Angela's hand. "Angela, Pleasure. Heard a lot about you, It's really cool to finally meet some of El- Jane's friends." "Friends? Angela giggled."Yeah, super cool, come on friend, let's skate shall we?"

"I wanted to finish... El started. "I'll hold that, Angela's friend said. I sighed. "No, I'll hold it." I grab her milkshake, and give him a small smile. As they skated, I crossed my arms. "She will definitely try something."

"(Y/n), don't do anything! Mike insists. I sighed."I won't. But if she does something, I will use my powers on her again." "What do you mean again? Mike asks, standing next to me. "I made her pee last time, I chuckle. 

Mike laughed. "She deserves it, I don't think she likes El very much." I sighed. "She lied to you, Mike. Angela is not her friend. She bullies El, I defend her as much as possible. But, you needed to know. El had good intentions lying to you, so don't get pissed off at her."

All of a sudden, someone announced, "the next song is dedicated to Jane, the freak." My anger was building up, and i wanted to hurt him. Everyone is picking on Jane, and somehow I go to the dude who picked on her.

"Stop it right now! I demand. He shrugs. "Sorry, can't hear you." I shouldn't, harming him would be too risky, however, I was willing to risk it all for El.  "Jane! I say, seeing her walk off to hide somewhere.

I just want to hurt someone, Angela perhaps. Sure, she likes me and all, how? Not quite sure since i made her pee her pants.  Mike and Will searched for El, so did I, but i suspected where she was.

Opening the door, I see her. "El? I ask, sitting down next to her and hugging her. She sobbed on my shoulder. "Hey, listen, you are not a freak, I tell her. "You are amazing and they jus are idiots, okay?"

El sniffed. "thank you, (Y/N)." I nod. "Anytime." She gets up and goes to talk to Angela, which does not go well. I decided to finally let my violent thoughts go wild. El looks just as pissed as i do. 

I look at her, then yell,"Angela!" She looks at me, twirling a piece of her hair but before she could speak, I harshly throw her against the wall, nodding at El who hits her nose with the skate. Angela begins to cry, loudly. 

Everyone looks at me and El as i wipe my nose, not hearing Mike and Will come over, their voices just ringing in my head as I zone out. They both attempt to speak to me, but i just zone out, how could i not?


I just sat there, as police arrived and talked to Angela. I could not just be silent, but i do blame myself. My anger got the best of me. Although, she picked on El for no reason, so maybe Karma finally got to her.

"We should go, Mike said. I sighed, getting up and so did El. We get into the car and drive off. "Anybody got a tissue? I ask. Will nods, handing me a tissue as i wipe my nose with it. It still was partly bloody.

"(Y/n), why did you do that? Mike asked. I mutter, "defending El." Mike rolled his eyes, then remained silent. Of course, Why bother being reasonable to Mike? He never listens. Will held his gift tightly and i softly smile. 

When we arrive home, Mike seems bitter still. "Mike, I want to talk to you, El says, going upstairs and Mike follows behind her. This will not end well, I thought. I never read Mike's mind, only once. 

Years ago.

When he first found us, his mind was filled with El. I suspect he loves El, not Jane. Right now, El is Jane mentally. I sigh, going to my room not wanting to speak to anyone. Entering my room, I groan.

I hate being in love with Mike Wheeler.

I was also terrified of going to sleep, so i told myself but heard El sob, "You love (Y/N) don't you?" That hurt me the most, not even when Mike replied, "No, No, She's just a friend! I love you, El not her!" 

I tried not to cry, but i didn't. I took a big breath, then sighed. I went to my desk, then wrote a little note. Should i be doing this or not? Nope. I was going to do this. Somehow, I had a feeling Hawkins was in trouble.

Why else was he contacting me in my dreams?

Joyce would never let me go, neither would Jonathan so i would do it in the evening. Plus, i was sure the police were on my back now. Was running from police the police the best idea? 

kind of. 

i packed my things, i wouldn't be gone for too long, i sighed. I couldn't wait to see them all again, i was already smiling. I added a bit more to the note.

Dear Everyone,

I know, I am a monster. But something dangerous is happening in Hawkins, I just know it, so i left to go there. do not call the police and just lie to them or something. I cannot be caught when there is something happening.


I wish you saw me as more than a friend, but also, you need to treat El better, tell her you love her more often. you know?

I love you.

I love you.

I fucking love you.

But who cares? You'll never care anyways, or even notice. You've go El after all. 

I'll be back, just, as i said. I won't be gone for too long, so don't worry. But, make sure El is okay.

I love her so much. My sister, my one friend who stuck by in he lab.

I quietly dial a number and say, "Hi! Can I book a flight?"

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