|4| One track mind, one track heart! If I fail, I'll fall apart...

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I woke up and groaned, not getting very much sleep yet again. I got up and took a shower and got dressed then went outside to wait for Gus.

Gus came outside and we had our usual greeting. "Hey Mr. Brightside!" "Hey Gussy!" Followed by giggles and small talk on the way to school.


"Y/N!" I flinched and looked up. "If you can't pay attention I'm just going to send you to Ms. Bassel for the hour." I shook my head quickly. "I'm sorry Ma'am, I forgot to take my meds this morning." She nodded, knowing about my ADHD. "Just, try your hardest to focus, alright?" I gave her a thumbs up and an awkward smile as class moved on from my lack of attention. Amity looked over at me with her 'are you ok?' look. I smiled at her and nodded then tried to focus on taking notes.

The bell rang, signalling that it was lunchtime. I walked to the lunchroom with Amity, there we waited for Luz, Willow, and Gus. "Hey, Y/N?" I looked over at Amity. "What's up?" She looked at me with a slightly unreadable expression. "Do you hate me because of Edric?" I shook my head. "No, no! I wouldn't hate you for what he did! It wasn't your fault he cheated, plus I've known you longer, and now I care about you waaaaay more!" She smiled a bit. "I'm happy to heat that." And after about a minute our friends showed up. "Sorry we're late!" Luz practically yelled. "Mr. Charlieboi held us back a bit later because he needed help cleaning the class." Willow finished. "It's no problem guys." I said smiling at them as we walked over to the lunch line to get our food. "So, I was thinking. What if we all have a sleepover this weekend!" Luz exclaimed happily. I thought for a moment then grinned. "Sounds like fun!" She practically beamed from this and twirled around as everyone else agreed. "Woo! Scary movie sleepover!" I laughed at her excitement, then we all sat down once we got out food.

Once lunch was over I walked to Science and sat down in my seat and pulled out my notebook. "Oh, everyone we will be switching seats today." Ms. Wills had us go to our new assigned seats, and would you look at that? I'm right next to the teen prodigy. "Alrighty! Everyone, I'll be handing back your tests!" I felt a lump in my throat. I knew I did bad, in fact I'd be surprised if i had even gotten a D. I sat there, biting my fingernails.

Then they were handed to us. I felt the tears if frustration build up, but I didn't let them fall. "What did you get?" I looked up from my paper and quickly turned it over. "Huh?" He rolled his eyes. "What is your score? I got a 100%."

God. Why am I so jealous of him!? He's not that great! He has to be bad at SOMETHING...right?

"O-oh.." I flipped over my test and showed him. He read over the test and laughed. He...laughed. "Why do you even bother showing up anymore?" He chuckled before continuing. "I mean, the only classes you do good in are orchestra and English! It's pathetic really." I felt the tears burn worse. 'Not now. Not now. God please not now!'

"I...I just can't let my family or friends down! I promised I'd do better..." He gave me the most sickening pitiful look. "You know, Y/N. We aren't that different, we both crave the praise. Never wanting to let anyone down. Needing to be perfect. Aren't I right, Mr. Brightside?" I shook my head and managed to stop the tears from spilling. "I'm not like you." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Honestly, I thought you were alright. I was wrong. Hell, I even wanted to be FRIENDS with you!" He looked confused. "We are friends though? Or at least I thought we were." I stood up. "Friends!? Friends don't call eachother pathetic! Friends don't pull the bullshit you just did! You know what!? Fuck you Hunter!" I grabbed my bag and stormed out of class. I ran to the bathroom and texted my mom.

Giver of life

Hey mom, can you
pick me up? I'm having
a really bad day.

Head over to the office
love. I'll be there in about
5-6 minutes

Thanks mom, I love you

I love you too

I walked into the office and told the lady in there that I was waiting for my mom. "She's here." I stood up and thanked the office lady for telling me then I went out and got in the car with my mom. "What's up kiddo?" I looked at my feet. "Remember that guy that came over to practice the duet with me?" She nodded and pulled out of the parking lot. "Well, I thought we were friends..but he ended up being a massive jerk to me today." She gave me a sympathetic look and continued driving. "I'm sorry to hear that Y/N." I nodded and looked outside. After about a 5 minute drive we pulled into the driveway. "I love you N/N." I turned and smiled at her. "Love you too mom, I'm gonna go and try to get some more sleep." She nodded before responding. "Alright, sweet dreams." I walked up the stairs and got changed and laid down, trying to get some sleep. But to my luck I just tossed and turned for about an hour before I gave up and started playing video games.

'It's pathetic, really.'

Those words never left my mind. I know I try my best. And that's all I need.

But...if I'm pathetic I'm useless.

I didn't NEED Hunter. I just need to fo the duet with him and maybe one science project with him then he'll be gone forever, just a speck of dust in my memories.

But what if I didn't want him to be just a memory? What if I wanted to be close to him.

Mr. Brightside ||Golden guard x Male reader||Where stories live. Discover now