|12| That I feel like we're more than just friends

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"Sooo...are we like... boyfriends now?"

His question caught me off guard.

"Well... do you want to be my boyfriend?"

He was still holding my hand. He rubbed the back of his neck while he avoided eye contact.

Great. I fucked it up already.

"Well... yes...but I don't wanna force you into it or anything."

I smiled yet again. God he's perfect.

"I want to be your boyfriend, Hunter."

His eyes lit up yet again and hey squeezed my hand tightly, but not too tight. He then hugged me but pulled away and apologized.

"Hunter, you can touch me, you don't have to feel bad. You don't have to be sorry for being yourself, just...be you." He nodded and pulled me into another hug, this time we stayed there for a few minutes.


I smiled as I played with his hair. He was asleep and cuddled into my chest. Wow... I can't believe it, I'm in my first relationship, and it's swith a human. I just hope that I can bring him back to the boiling isles with me, or I can stay with him. Or maybe we can go between worlds and see eachother all the time! I just hope uncle will be okay with this. I'm not sure how he'll react.

The titan.

That's right. The titan. What will happen with the titan? What if loving a man will cause the titan to turn it's back on me. After all uncle is always saying that it has big plans for me... so what if I screwed it all up?

"Hunted... go t'sleeeep..." I heard Y/N mutter. I realized I was quietly talking to myself. I felt my face heat up. "Sorry..." He mumbled "It's fine" Then fell back asleep. I closed my eyes and sighed, hoping he didn't hear me.

Slowly I felt myself being pulled into a deep slumber.

I held his hand as I showed him around the palace and pointed out different sculptures and paintings excitedly while he smiled gently following me and listening to me happily. He wasn't spacing out, it made me so happy that he was managing to give me his full attention. We continued walking around the palace until I eventually led him out to the garden where we sat under a tree and he rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled and mumbled somthing under my breath. I've never said it to anyone before, I've never even been told it. But it felt right to say.

"Hunter! Wake uuuup!" Y/N laughed while shaking me awake.

"Mmmhhh ten more years..." I mumbled and rolled over while pulling the covers over my head. He laughed more and pulled the blanket off me. "Up! C'mon, it's 1 PM you lazy ass!" I rubbed my eyes. That's the longest I've slept in a long time.

He makes me sleep better... wow...

I smiled at him and looked at him with nothing but adoration. He's perfect in every way possible.

"And these are sorted by if there is quartz or amethyst in them! And there here have both. Oh! And this one is my favorite!" He grinned as he held up an agate that had a mix of quartz and amethyst in it.

He then quickly grabbed a small vial that was attached to a necklace chain then put the small agate into it. He closed the vial and handed it to me.

"Huh? What's this?" I asked him, slightly confused.

"I wanted to give my favorite agate to my favorite person!" He smiled at me while saying that, then started showing me random rocks, buttons, and bottle caps he's collected over the years.

He's like a little goblin, and it's cute.

"I love you."

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