|13| 'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside

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Luz, Willow, Gus, and Amity ran into my house worried, well more than worried. They looked horrified.

Me and Hunter had been sitting on my couch when they burst into my house without knocking. "Wha-" Before I could finish Luz started yelling while panting.

"It's Belos!" Hunter's eyes widened.

"What!? What' happened to my uncle!?" Amity glared at him.

"It's not what happened to him. It's what he's doing!" Hunter looked confused.

"He found a way back to the boiling isles!"

"Um... guy's, I'm here y'know, so um.. what's going on..?"

Hunter grabbed my hand.

"No time to explain! We need to go home!" I gave him a confused look.

"No! I'm not going anywhere without knowing at least a bit of what's happening!"

"Y/N, we'll explain on the way to Hunter's house, okay?" Luz asked, I finally agreed and we all ran to Hunter's house.

Once we got there I realized the door wasn't right. It looked like it led to another world. When we all got there, Edric and Emira were already there. I looked at Luz. "So... I have to either stay here and never see you again or go with you and risk never seeing my family again..?"

Luz nodded with a grim look. I swallowed hard and grabbed Hunter's hand. "Let's go. I'm not leaving you guys." Not including a certain green haired sibling of Amity.

They all ran in one by one, while me and Hunter ran in together. I looked behind me one last time, debating on weather or not I wanted to leave for sure. But I can't let them do this alone, plus I'd never see Hunter again, or Gus, or Luz, Amity, Willow. It's worth it...right? Whatever. I smiled sadly, at the door before turning and walking away from the world that was my home while Luz led us to her home in the Boiling Isles.

I was let into a strange house and a strange albino woman gave me a shirt that says "bad girl coven" and a pair of pajama pants, so she could wash my other clothes. She also did the same with everyone else.

I smiled as I took a sip of my tea while I held Hunter's hand. It was nice, maybe I'll like it here.

Holy shit this place is gonna be my new home.

I'm gonna be here with Hunter, Luz, Willow, Amity, and Gus.

I can live with Hunter, and be happy with him.

I can be happy here and not be judged for my quirks.

And I can be here, forever.

With my friends and boyfriend.

And I fucking love it.


She was scared. She didn't know what to do. Her son's boyfriend's house burnt down. And there were supposedly eight corpses found in the ruins. The mother of Seventeen year old Y/N L/N was terrified. He wasn't answering his phone, he was missing. Maybe he ran away because he thought Hunter was dead? Maybe he was in the fire? He wasn't at school. What the hell happened to her baby? She didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to process this.

Just wait, it couldn't possibly be him in that fire. After all, why would her precious boy run into a fire? He's safe... yes. He's safe somewhere else. In a different place. Maybe he left England, that's always a possibility, right?

Wrong. He loved it there. He never wanted to leave. He wanted to move into a house with Hunter, and adopt a kid with him.

Maybe he'll be okay. He isn't dead. He can't be. He isn't. He could never be dead, right?

Mr. Brightside ||Golden guard x Male reader||Where stories live. Discover now