|6| How do I meet the strangest men? They always seem to find me.

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I set my bag on the floor as I sat down on the train seat. "Alright, do we have everyone?" Ms. Wills asked while looking at Mr. Mansfield. "I believe so." "Ok, then. Everyone in your seats! We'll be leaving soon." Everyone sat down by their friends. Willow, Gus, Amity and Luz all sat next to each other so me and Hunter decided to sit next to eachother and read some of his books about witchery. "Oh! Want one?" I held out one of my earbuds towards him. He took one and thanked me. "If you want me to skip a song just lemme know." He nodded and he quietly read me his favorite chapter in a grimoire. If there was a part that I didn't understand he patiently explained it and surprisingly didn't yell at me about being confused.

The ride was fun, me and Hunter talked about different topics that we're interested in. "Oh, I have something for you!" I said and opened my notebook and pulled out a drawing of him. He turned bright red and seemed very surprised. "O-oh uh erm," He cleard his throat and the blush died down a bit. "Thank you, I greatly appreciate it." I laughed a bit. "Why are you always so formal?" He let out an awkward laugh. "I've always been taught to be formal to people you respect or admire." I felt mt cheeks heat up a bit. "You respect me?" He shook his head. "Yes, but I also admire you." I felt my cheeks burn warmer now. "You're quite strange, but in an endearing way if that makes sense. You're different." I had no idea what to say so I simply mumbled a quiet 'thank you.' Before we continued reading.


"Alright everyone! Off the train! We'll do a headcount outside!" The sleeping kids groaned as they had been woken up. Me and Hunter on the other hand had been up all night reading. I yawned and stretched as we got up and grabbed out bags. "We're going to the hotel first. Then we're going to get breakfast. So be sure to hurry." Ms. Wills said once her and Mr. Mansfield finished making sure everyone was there. We were handed our room keys and went to our rooms. Me, Gus, and Hunter shared a room. Meanwhile Amity, Luz, and Willow shared a room. I didn't care enough to pay attention to the other kids rooms. Me Hunter, and Gus made our way to our room. "Oh Gus remember when I jumped off the garage roof into the pool?" He laughed a bit. "Yeah! Me and Luz were freaking out!" I laughed quite a bit. "Wait you did WHAT!?" Hunter asked obviously worried. "Don't worry Goldie, I only twisted my ankle!" He looked at me with his trademark 'are you fucking stupid?' Look. "THAT'S STILL BAD YOU IMBICILE!" Now I was practically wheezing. "Dude don't worry I'm fine now." He scoffed and mumbled a 'I'm glad' then he unlocked our room and let us in. I threw my stuff on my bed and jumped on it, landing face first into my pillows. Gus laughed at me while he unpacked his things along with Hunter.

Once we were unpacked we went to all get breakfast and meet up with the girls. "Well hello ladies." I said, jokingly flirting with them. Luz started wheezing as Amity said "Sorry, I'm not into men." I need up laughing as well. "Well let's get food, I'm starving." Gus said dramatically. We all laughed and got breakfast and ate.

The first day of the trip was just to get settled in. So me and my friends just decided to hangout in my room and play games. "Oh oh! I brought cards against humanity!" Luz practically yelled. She grabbed her backpack and pulled the game out. "What's that?" Hunter, Amity, Gus, and Willow asked at almost the exact same time. Me and Luz looked at them like they were idiots, but we explained and started playing.

"Alright- 'In the event of a zombie apocalypse one weakness that no one knows that the zombie has is'." Hunter read out the card. I instantly placed down my card and giggled a bit, everyone else placed down their cards and Hunter read them out. "Nipples the size of CD's...oh..kay then- Slavery- I'm sorry but whAt? Jerking off in a pool of children's tears- pffft, uhh and their sensitive toes." He laughed at our stupid responses and ended up choosing sensitive toes. We had a lot of fun playing and messing around.

"Oh! Guys I brought something!" I said. "But, don't feel pressured into it mk?" Everyone nodded and I pulled out a few bottles of wine and vodka. "Ooo I've never had this before." Amity said while looking at a bottle of wine then opening it and taking a sip. "That's actually pretty good." She said and took another sip. Luz took the bottle from her and took a sip aswell and said it was too bitter but was better than she expected. willow had one glass of wine with Gus. I had a couple glasses of wine and Hunter had one as well. Luz and Amity shared the bottle but stopped before drinking more. "Oh wanna play truth or dare?" Luz asked excited. "Sure!" I responded and everyone agreed. "Ahem, I'll go first! Y/N my lovely gay fella, truth or dare?" I answered right away. "Dare." She thought for a moment. "I dare you to do an impression of Edric." Amity giggled. She knew I was gonna be as dickish as possible, and she thought no. Knew he deserved it. I stood up and cleared my throat. "Ohh I'm never taken seriously so I'm gonna cheat on my boyfriend and lie about it!" I said this in the most dramatic voice possible and did a bow as everyone clapped. "Lovely Y/N, lovely!" Amity said while laughing. "Alright, Willow truth or dare?" She answered after a moment. "Truth!" I answered right away. "Is it true that you're aro, ace? Because I have heard rumors about it." She nodded while smiling. "Yup! I'm aro ace!" She then looked at Amity. "Truth or dare?" "Dare." Willow gave her an evil smile. "Lay in Luz's lap for the entire game!" She turned bright red as Luz pulled her into her lap. "Bloop!" Luz smiled at Amity while blushing a bit. Amity then looked at Gus. He immediately answered. "Truth." "Do you have a boyfriend?" He laughed awkwardly. "It's kinda complicated right now." She nodded and he looked at hunter. "Truth or dare?" He was quiet for a second then he answered. "Dare." Gus bit the tip of his finger before giving him the dare.

"I dare you to kiss the person you think you might be interested in."

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