|9| It's only the police, that ever come looking for you

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I took a deep breath as I walked into class. Spring break was over and we were back to school. I had a project coming up. It was the second most important project of the year. And I haven't done anything. I sat in my seat and dreaded what was coming from the teacher.

"Y/N. You failed, again. You aren't working hard enough, do you realize how hard I work to teach you? And this is what you give me in return? I'm going to be speaking with your parents. At this rate you're going to need to either do summer school or not move up a grade."

I knew it was gonna happen. I knew I was gonna fail the project. I didn't have the energy to do it. Hell, I'd be lucky if I even got halfway through.

I was taken from my thoughts from my friend Luz waving her hand in my face. "Hey, you alright N/N?" I flinched and nodded. "Oh yeah Haha. Sorry, just spaced out." She smiled at me and told me not to worry about it.

I spent all of class just doodling in my notebook and thinking of things to do for what little of the project I'll be able to do. Once the bell rang I grabbed my stuff, shoved it in my backyard and went to my next class

And yet again, I didn't pay attention, I was just drowning in my thoughts, of him.

'He doesn't really like you, he just feels sorry for you'

'He only kissed you because everyone was dating someone, and Willow is aro'

"Y/N!" I flinched as the teacher screamed my name. "Yes... Ms. Morrow..?" I asked, nervous. "You haven't paid attention to a single thing I've said all day!" And there it was, everyone staring at me. All eyes were on me, stupid, idiotic, me. "I'm sorry, I can't help it..." I giggled a bit out of nervousness, this just pissed her off more. "Oh? What's so funny!? I try so hard to teach you, and yet you're just an ungrateful brat!" She practically screamed. I flinched from the yelling, and I felt my eyes water as she continued. "You never pay attention to my lessons! You're failing! And don't give me that stupid 'Oh, I have ADHD' because you want an excuse to not pay attention!" I just looked down and laughed a bit more as she continued to yell and insult me. I could feel my cheeks burn, my eyes were watering and I knew that the tears were gonna fall soon. "I'm not looking for an excuse Ma'am, I really can't focus." She glared at me. "No, you just choose to disrespect me, like the brat you are." I had finally had enough, I grabbed my bag and walked out. She yelled, and threatened to call my parents, I didn't care, she just screamed at me, I was exhausted and just wanted to go home. And that I did.

I stood outside my house and took a deep breath before walking in. My mom that was sitting in the kitchen ran over to me and was horrified, mainly because the school said I had disappeared. I explained the situation to her and she let me have some privacy so I could calm down.


"Hm?" I looked at my phone that was laying next to my pillow. I rolled over so that my face was no longer buried in my pillow and I read the message.


H3y Y/N atw yoy ok?

I'm fine
Just sick

Are yluc sire?

Yeah I'm sure
I should be back tomorrow
or Wednesday :]

Ok :)

Read at 4:17 PM

I laid my phone down and got up to go eat. I grabbed leftovers from the fridge and heated them up. (Or left them cold, I don't judge) I sat on the counter and ate.

"Well you're eating early." I laughed a bit. "Hi dad." He smiled and came over and sat next to me on the counter. "Hey kiddo, heard you had a bad day?" I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Ms. Morrow screamed at me for not paying attention in class..." He pulled me into a hug before talking. "I'm sorry. It's bullshit that she does that, she knows that you have ADHD and that you sometimes forget your medicine." I nodded and hugged him back, really just needing a hug at the time.

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