1> The move

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The move had begun. My mother and I were leaving our old house. It had been 5 years since my parents divorced and my mother had a boyfriend. She was the one we were going to live with now.
His name was Paul and he was a lawyer. Between the two of them they had bought a much larger house far from the city.

I could say that all this was a trauma for me or something. But not. The truth is that I was delighted. I was no longer a little girl and was very busy with my studies. I was studying business to work one day in my father's company; since I was his only child and was going to inherit it one day. It's not that I was very excited but I guess it's something he had already decided as soon as I was born.

The truth is that the move was not very heavy despite how quickly everything had happened. I am referring to my mother and Paul's decision to all live together. It was a bit rushed, at least it caught me off guard.
It was afternoon and my mother and I drove to the house to bring a few things. I hadn't been there for a couple of days and it was almost completely full of furniture, a little messy but well... that's normal.
We were just the two of us there. Paul couldn't go to work yet so, meanwhile, we cleaned and organized everything. Without realizing it was getting dark and we decided to stay there.
My mother started to prepare dinner and I helped her. Unbelievably, we still had energy left to cook. Even if it was a salad and some sandwiches...

"Ah Jodie, your computer will be brought to you tomorrow. Today, I don't know what problem they had that has been impossible for them."

"Yes, well, I won't need it until Thursday... There's no rush" I smiled relaxed.

"Honey, tomorrow is Thursday."

"Shit!" I almost cut myself with the knife "In that case, I hope they don't take long."

"Do you like your new room?"

"Yes! It is very spacious."

"They all are, but the two bedrooms in that hallway are the largest in the entire house."

"It is true. I forgot to ask you earlier... What's that room across from mine for?"

"It's for Melanie" she said matter-of-factly.

"Hey? Are you pregnant?"

"Nope! What things do you have."

"So who is Melanie?"

"She is Paul's daughter. She will be a couple of years older than you or so..."

"Two years with Paul and you haven't told me she has a daughter?"

"Sorry! Well, she is a girl who has had a hard time but with a little patience... you will get along. You will see. We will be a big family! Anyway, let's go to dinner."

I did not give importance to the matter but, at dinner, while "listening" to my mother I thought about that kind of "stepsister" that had come out of nowhere. She said that she had had a hard time and couldn't help but think that she would be the typical troublemaker or rebellious girl...
After dinner, I went to sleep, I was exhausted.

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