3> The fall

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The move was officially over. At least, that's what Paul said when they brought him his precious coffee pot. At least I already had my computer that was brought to me on Thursday and that my mother had already gone up to my room while I was with Kat. I was a little nervous because my 'new' life had officially started.

As for Melanie, I only saw her for lunch and dinner. Sometimes I would also pass her in the hallway but she didn't usually look at me and when she did it was scary. She looked at me seriously and she didn't say anything to me.

It was Monday and I had to go to college. A very hard and tiring week full of exams awaited me. Hence the nerves, the fear, the tension... and all that to work in that happy company in the future. I didn't want to but I felt responsible for doing it. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I dropped everything and told my father 'no'? He would kill me... I guess I couldn't complain, at least he paid for my expensive studies.

When I entered the uni, everyone was walking from one place to another loaded with dozens of notes in their hands. There were final exams and it showed.
I got to class and sat behind Kat, by the window. The teacher came in and started talking about tomorrow's exam... I was stunned looking out the open window. We were on a ground floor and you could see a beautiful and gigantic garden that was next to the classroom.
What made me turn to the window was the feeling that someone was there. Sometimes there was someone watering or taking care of the garden but at that time, no. I looked back at the teacher and turned a little windy. It was thankful as he was a bit warm. I heard the sound of the leaves moving in the wind and then the crack of a stepped branch very close to my window.
I turned around again, this time very startled, and saw no one. It was freaking me out too much. Even the teacher noticed and let me go to the bathroom. I had to make up that the pollen count was too high and that I forgot to take my pill.
I went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. When I looked for a towel, I realized that there weren't <Asshole, it's not the bathroom at home!>. So, I lifted my shirt and dried off. I looked at myself in the mirror and snorted. <It's just nerves, Jodie, don't get mad.>

The day was a bit long for me. I spent the whole afternoon in the library studying. I don't know why but I concentrated better there.
I got home and I was very happy. I could finally rest! I didn't realize until that moment how cozy and pretty it was. I was very dizzy and my head ached a little from exhaustion. I slowly walked up the stairs to my room. But suddenly Melanie opened the door and stepped out of hers, closing it behind her. Without realizing it I was smiling at her helplessly. She was the first person I saw since I walked in and she made me very happy. She, who had already been looking at me for a long time, was surprised to see me so smiling.
I walked past her leaving her with a questioning face and went into my room. I left my backpack there and went into the bathroom. I needed to relax and I took a shower. I had a bathroom in my room. Well, there was only one shower but it was for me alone. To do other things, I had another bathroom next door that I was supposed to share with Melanie, but she didn't go in much.
I took off my clothes and went into the shower. I let the water fall over my head. It was boiling hot and the water was cold, which gave me an amazing feeling of relief. But my head was still hurting a lot, so much so that when I left I fell to the ground and hit my head.
I heard someone enter my room in a hurry. I'm not surprised. The noise I made when I fell must have been heard by the neighbor... who we don't have.
I was still on the floor and they opened the bathroom door. Well, they almost knocked her down. It was Melanie.
Her eyes were wide as saucers. I don't know if she was worried or just scared but she rushed over to me. She took me from her arms with the intention of helping me up but before doing anything she looked into my eyes with her penetrating and intimidating gaze. I just kept looking at her without reacting and unable to say anything. Then, she looked at my forehead and changed in a terrifying way. She seemed angry.

“You can get up?” Her voice was beautiful. I think it's the first time I've heard it well. Close up. Come to think of it... I think it's the first time she's spoken to me.

“Y-Yes” It's the only thing I managed to stutter.

I pushed myself up with difficulty as she helped me up. Finally, I got to my feet and felt a tickle on my forehead. I touched it and saw my hand full of blood.

“Great... what I needed”

When I realized it I saw Melanie enter with a small medicine cabinet that she left me on the bed. But when had she come for him? Anyway, I thanked her and she left my room.
I dressed the small wound that bled as if I had been cut open and got dressed. There was still a lot of time left for dinner and I was exhausted, so I lay down on the bed. I was so relaxed that I fell asleep and closed my eyes as I remembered her voice and, of course, her look. In full detail.
When I opened them there was a lot of light and I could hear many cars passing by on the road and some birds singing... Was it daylight? I got up and looked out the window. It was dawn...

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