11> Into the forest

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I woke up the next day remembering Melanie's reaction to having told her that someone was following me. I felt calmer now that I know she cares about me. The idea of ​​being alone with her terrified me in case she would get angry like that night again, but not now.

I left the room and heard a phone call. I quickly went downstairs to pick it up. It was on a piece of furniture in the hall.


“It's me” I immediately recognized her voice.

“Ah, hello mom, how is the exhibition going?”

“Very well. Look, right now I'm getting ready for the grand opening this afternoon. There will be a party and...”

As she spoke I saw Melanie come down the stairs... she was half naked! She was wearing a white button down shirt that was practically open, she was not wearing a bra and her panties were almost transparent.

“Jodie, do you hear me?”

“Yes... yes... eh... What were you saying?”

“How is everything there?”

“Ah, eh... Everything is... good. I mean... hot”


”Good! Everything is fine here”

Melanie was looking at me and I heard her giggle.

“Well, I left you, I still have a lot to do”

“Okay, have a good time”

“You too. Bye”


I went into the kitchen where Melanie was. I tried not to look at her because I was embarrassed when she saw my cheeks, which couldn't be redder.

“Is everything okay in New York?” she asked sitting on a stool.

“Yes. The exhibition is this afternoon and there will be a party too”

“Well” she took a sip of coffee- “Are you still with the... scare from yesterday?”

“Scare? I was scared to death! I swear there was someone”

“And you didn't see anyone?”


“So... anybody didn't hurt you, right?”


“This place is not good for you to go alone”

“Why not?”

“Well... there's no one. Only cars go by at full speed. Also, there is the forest. There will be...”

“What is there?” I asked curious.

“Dangerous animals and psychopaths like in the movies”

“No, seriously, what's up?”

“Nothing good” She got up and hugged me gently from behind, she brought her mouth close to my ear and whispered “Jodie...”


“Do you want coffee? It's hot...” she said laughing at the end.

“Don't make fun of me”


The day passed normally. In the afternoon, Kat came for a while to help her with an "unsolvable problem" that her laptop had and only had dirty RAM... By the way, she stayed for a snack and we chatted for a while but she left soon because she had to fix herself to party.

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