10> Alone with her

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The next morning, I woke up half blinded by the sun coming through the window. At night I forgot to close the curtain.
I heard a lot of hustle and bustle around the house. It was my mother preparing breakfast in the kitchen. She was cooking with surprising euphoria. I sat down and she, hearing me, turned around.

"Oh Jody! Hello"

"Uh... hi"

"Hey tomorrow I'll go for a few days, okay?"

"What are you leaving?" I put a piece of toast in my mouth.

"Yes. Do you remember that I told you that I had to make an exhibition?"


"Well, I'll do it and it will be in New York"

"How long will you be away?" I said with my mouth full. I was hardly understood.

"Well... more or less until Monday. Oh, and Paul is coming too"

I almost choked me on the coffee.

"Are you two leaving?"

"Yes. Don't throw a party huh?"


That day came. Paul and my mother took the car in the afternoon to go to the airport.
I didn't see Melanie around the house that night, so I made myself a sad sandwich for dinner. I went up to my room to play video games.
After two hours of running over people and robbing stores, I stopped playing and went to sleep. Playing before bed relaxed me a lot. It helped me free my mind from worries and thanks to that I was able to sleep in one fell swoop.


I haven't gotten up this good in a long time. It was Friday, I had no exams... everything was perfect.

I went down to the kitchen with a joy that soon left me when I remembered that I had to make breakfast myself. Melanie was sitting there reading the newspaper while she finished a coffee that smelled too good. She seemed quite calm and at ease. She still hadn't seen me so I took the opportunity to stand there watching her for a bit.
She was so softly red-haired and so pretty. She was wearing a gray shirt with the sleeves rolled up that brought out her small blue eyes and tight black pants that showed her off... I think I'm drooling.

"How are you?" I ask her.

"Well. Have breakfast or you'll be late at uni" She got up ready to go up the stairs. I followed her, making her stop and turn around.

"Listen to me" When she said that, she looked at me more attentively than ever. My heart was going to a thousand "You don't have brothers, nor friends but... you have me" Now she looked at me surprised "I... I just want you to trust me more because now you are my family and... the other night I didn't answer you but, yes... you are more important to me than Kat"

She looked at me like she was about to cry and smile at the same time but she left without saying anything. I thought for a while looking at nothing but I reacted and went to breakfast.
I ate some muffins and a coffee. I didn't want to complicate myself. I went to the university and the day passed slowly there. That day I stayed until the afternoon because I started chatting with some classmates.
I went home, left the keys in the hall and went into the living room where to my surprise Melanie was sitting quietly on a sofa reading a book. It was strange because the normal thing is that she was outside her or in her room. She seemed pretty relaxed since our parents weren't home.
I preferred not to approach her or say anything so as not to disturb her. I was about to go up to my room but I noticed how sexy she was in a red strappy shirt that showed off hers pretty well... breasts. Without realizing it I was smirking and to my bad luck Melanie happened to look up from the book and she caught me. And I, redder than her shirt, went to my room.

I couldn't believe that just seeing her would make me so hot, I would say that she had even turned me on. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes trying to calm down but I was getting more and more hot. I decided to go outside and take a walk to clear my head.
There was still light but the streetlights were already on. The air that day was quite fresh and that was definitely going to help me. As I walked I thought about what happened before. She had caught me looking at her like that... But why does she get so provocative? I'll have put on a more perverted face...

It was getting dark and I was still walking. Without realizing it, I got too far from home so I turned around to go back before it got darker.
But halfway through, I started to feel like I was being watched. I don't know if it was because of the hours, but there were hardly any cars passing by on the road. Every time I noticed that I was more alone and the feeling that there was someone watching me increased. I even think they were following me because I heard noise near me in some trees. I looked around several times and I didn't see anyone, I was totally alone. I was very nervous and scared so I started running as if my life depended on it.

I finally reached the front door and looked for the keys in my pants pockets. There was no way to find them, would I have left them inside? I searched harder and found them.

I was so nervous that I couldn't find the right key among all the ones I had. I found the right one and tried to put it in. But my hands were shaking so much that it didn't fit well and, besides, I started to feel a chill down my spine. I turned around and saw nothing. I finally got the door open and slammed it shut.

I stood there breathing exhausted. Melanie, who was apparently in the kitchen preparing dinner, came over to see me so upset.

"What's happening?"

"Melanie!" I jumped to hug her. I was about to cry. After the fear that I had experienced alone, I was very happy to see someone I knew, especially her. Melanie returned the hug and after a while I separated "Someone... Someone..."

"Someone who?"

"Someone was following me"

"Are you sure?" She said worried.

"Yes I think so"

"Don't go out alone at night again!" she said upset.


"Why...?" She took a breath and tried to calm down "Why did you go out?"

"..." I didn't want to tell her that I went out to cool off because I got hot seeing her so provocative "I wanted to... clear my head. I'm sorry I worried you so much"

She looked at me seriously for a moment and went back to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner. When she finished it we sat down to dinner. She had made grilled salmon with chips, and besides, the salmon had a little pepper in it. It was delicious. She was eating dinner very concentrated and sometimes she would look at me a little askance as if she wanted to make sure I was okay. I was very surprised that she cared about me. She has never shown me that she cares except for that time I fell in the shower, but why doesn't she want me to go out at night? What scares her so much?

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