12> Relaxing weekend - 1st Part

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The next day, as it was Sunday, I went down to breakfast a little later as normal as if nothing had happened. Although my head was still in shock and full of typical questions about vampires etc. But finally I got to know my "stepsister" better and, far from being afraid of her, I felt safer by her side. At that moment she was walking down the stairs with a tranquility in which I had never seen her.

"Morning" she said.

"Good, aren't you going to have breakfast?"

"I have no desire. I think it is no longer necessary to dissemble in front of you"

"No, I suppose not. Aren't you going to 'have breakfast' outside either?" She laughed at my question.

"In broad daylight? I don't drink every day. Although... if I had a very immediate need..." She came over and stood behind me "I have a good snack in front of me" She said everything in my ear in a low voice and my skin prickled.

"Me? Would you bite me?" Melanie laughed again.

"Just kidding. Don't worry, I don't bite, unless you want to"

"Nope! Uh... well, I'm going to... clean my room and all. Bye"

I stormed out of the kitchen. I don't know very well in what sense but she had made me very nervous.
The truth is that my room was not really dirty but it is the first thing that came to my mind. Although a little cleaning never hurts. I went to the window to open it and let in some fresh air. Despite being spring, we were having quite autumnal days. Even the sky was completely cloudy and very dark, it must have rained during that weekend.

It's not much fun to spend Sunday cleaning, but I had nothing better to do. I dedicated myself to tidying up the desk a bit, which was full of books lying around, and then cleaning everything else. When I finished, I cleaned the bathroom too...
At the end I stopped to eat something and rest but I wasn't very hungry so I just ate a snack and went back upstairs. More than hunger, what I had was fatigue. I lay in bed for a while covered with a blanket. Everything hurt, so seriously that I had taken the cleaning thing.


When I opened my eyes I felt a sense of relief throughout my body and I felt more relaxed and rested. I had fallen asleep. It was still daytime but there was less light. Perhaps a few hours had passed and it was already well into the afternoon, or perhaps it was cloudier than before. Or both things.
I felt very warm with the blanket I had taken but, for being so thin, it seemed as if it weighed me more than normal. It was only on one side but it was strange. As I woke up I raised my head slightly and looked to where the blanket was heaviest, and saw that Melanie was lying next to me breathing placidly <How can she be breathing?> Or pretending that she was doing it to appear more human. I don't know... It even seemed to be hot because I felt more heat on that side. She started to stir and looked at me, I guess to see if she was still sleeping or not.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her in a low voice.

"I was bored and wanted to keep you company"

"Have I been sleeping for a long time?"

"No, just an hour and a half"

"You say?" I jumped up and sat down.

"It's not that late either" she got up too. "Do you have to do something important?"

"No. I haven't stopped all day and I don't want to do anything else"

"Then relax. Don't stress so much"

"Well, the only thing I would like to do now is take a shower"

"Well, do you want... me to keep you company?" She stroked my arm with a finger.

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