4> Night escape

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I got dressed again. This time in street clothes, I combed my hair and went down to breakfast. Melanie was already downstairs drinking a coffee and she didn't even look at me. As usual...
Paul greeted me while he was reading the newspaper and my mother was finishing up some juice. She turned when she heard me in the kitchen and said:

"Oh daughter! Last night I was going to call you for dinner but I saw you sleeping and... That, by the way, your snoring could be heard from here"

"Mom!" I turned to see Paul and Melanie covering their mouths to keep from laughing.

"... you were drooling from how comfortable you were"

"I was very tired" I said embarrassed.

I sat down to breakfast and everyone was quiet. I looked at them out of the corner of my eye and all they did was eat toast and drink juice. There was not much time in silence but it seemed eternal to me.
Finally, my mother started talking to Paul. They talked about his stuff while I watched Melanie. She was crestfallen, as if immersed in her thoughts. I think I was looking at her too much because Paul would look at us from time to time. I deigned to dissemble even though I already knew it was too late. <You'll see, I'm sure he's going to asking me if there's something wrong with her> I thought.
My mother was still talking about socks I think I heard and Paul stopped looking at us to concentrate on the conversation. About socks... She didn't know anything but I was surprised that neither did Melanie. She stared at nothing. I don't know what she was thinking but she seemed very focused.
About ten minutes passed and my mother came out of the kitchen, followed by Melanie. I still had a sip of orange juice left and Paul just looked at me from time to time as if he wanted to tell me something and didn't know where to start. Finally, after I finished my juice and was about to get up from my chair, he said "Wait, Jodie" followed by the question he most feared I would ask.

"Has something happened to you with Melanie?" He looked at me worried and almost as intimidating as his daughter. It will be a family thing...

"W-why do you ask?" I don't know why I played dumb.

"Because you can't stop looking at her all the time"

"Yeah... I don't have any problem. It's just... she's very distant and I don't know how I could..."

"I understand" he interrupted me "You want to get closer to her"


"I would also like it but it's still early, we just moved"

"I know"

"She may still have sequels from her mother's"

"About her mother?"

"She died seven years ago and, thanks to the psychologist, she's getting better but..."

"Her mother died?" I interrupted him this time.

"Yes. She has spent a lot of time alone and in these cases the worst thing is loneliness"

"I understand"

"That's why I want you to get along"

"I'll try"

"I am glad to hear that"

I got up from my chair and went outside to get in the car and go to college. I had an exam today and I wanted to get there early.
On the way I thought about how bad Melanie had been and felt a pain in my chest. I wish I had met her back then. I would not have separated from her and I would have given her all the love that Paul would not give her because he was always busy. That recorded my father. He was always working and was never with me.
A part of me wanted to help her, get her out of that emotional darkness and fill her every day with joy. But, on the other hand, I thought that it was too late, that she had spent seven years swallowing her pain and that I was not going to be able now, after all this time, to appear in her life and change her completely. All those thoughts frustrated me but they needed to be put away for a moment. At least while I was in college.

I took the test and it didn't come out too bad. I came to be happy and everything, but the joy soon left me when I remembered that during these days I had to continue studying. Today's test was just the first of many.
I got home and saw my mom outside parking her car. She came out and came over to me with a wide smile. Spooky...

"Hello, honey" She gives me a kiss on the cheek and hugs me. No, she squeezes me.

"Ah! You have me broken"


"Why are you so happy?"

"How was the exam?" She ignore me.

"Very well"

"Good. Tomorrow can you 'make a hole' to come shopping with me?"

"Make a hole?"

"Oh, what a silly daughter" she laughed "play hooky, skip class"

"Well of course!"

"Perfect! Well, until tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow? Mom, we're going to see each other at home now..."

"Oh Yes! It's true" He smiled at me mockingly.

We both laughed and went into the house.
Hours passed and night fell. We had dinner and I went back to my room to play with my computer for a while. I needed to distract myself a bit. After an hour and a half, the zombies started eating me because my character was getting more and more idiotic. No wait. It was me who was beginning to die of sleep and hit the keys wrong. Yes, that was it. I turned off the computer and brushed my teeth. And, since it was already hot, I opened the window. I pushed aside the curtain and opened it. I leaned out for a moment and a cool breeze caressed my face. It's great weather outside. I felt very happy. the course and was finishing, the weather was good and... <What the hell?>. I looked down at the driveway, where the cars were parked, and saw Melanie come out. She crossed the road and went into the woods opposite. <What is she doing in the woods at this time of night?>

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