6> Bad night

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And of course, as happens in all movies, I swallowed hard, and with it my fear, and went outside. There was no light and I didn't take a flashlight or anything. I didn't want anyone to see me. From time to time I heard some small noise and thanks to that I oriented myself. They came from the back of the house. There were some small stairs near the corridor of my room. I lowered them and saw a bit of light coming from a small hall in the back. On top of a piece of furniture there was a lighted lamp and next to it was Melanie.
Since her back was turned she hadn't seen me yet. She seemed somewhat agitated. She snatched her shirt off and was left in her bra revealing that back... I looked away from her...wonderful back of hers when I saw the amount of blood on her shirt.
Without thinking twice I ran towards her. She turned to look at me with those piercing blue eyes but without any hint of surprise. Maybe she already knew I was there.
I turned her towards me to make sure she wasn't hurt.

"What made you...?!"

"Do not touch me!!" she yelled angrily.

Her eyes reddened a little and the veins on her forehead and neck bulged. Was she so pissed off? Apparently yes because she threw her shirt with all the fury in the world. For my part, I took a few steps back but it was no use.
She ran with amazing speed towards me and she grabbed my neck so hard that she slammed me into the wall. She hit my back so hard that I could hardly breathe and she squeezed my neck so hard that her blood flowed slowly.
She glared at me and gritted her teeth. The features of her face, which now scared me more than ever, tightened.


Melanie loosened her hand a little. Enough so that I could breathe well.

"Listen to me, Jodie" she pronounced each word perfectly and with her teeth still clenched "You're not going to tell anyone anything that happened tonight, do you understand?"


Melanie calmed down. Surely, she would have finally realized what she was doing. She was looking at me now sadly and she let go of my neck. I was paralyzed, I still didn't know how to react. She looked at my neck and got scared. Although, no more than me. I ran up the stairs by which I had come and entered my room, closing the door tight and tight. I was super freaked out. I've never seen that.
I remembered that it was already late and that in a few hours I had the exam. I lay down to get some rest but I kept going round and round. I couldn't fall asleep. Not only was I afraid that she would come in and hurt me, but also my neck and back hurt. But what really hurt was my chest. I think I had fallen in love with her because I felt terrible and because of that, I cried all over the pillow with tears. And, between one thing and another, I ended up sleeping from exhaustion.

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