16> Separation

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After three days in Hawaii, we returned home where our parents were waiting for us, impatient to know everything about the trip. They had us all afternoon sitting on the couch talking about everything we did, well almost everything. But they almost made us talk about 'it' when my mother asked me why I had scratches on my neck and my arms, I hadn't even noticed them, they were very small. I looked at Melanie nervously, I put on an 'I'm going to kill you' face, she smiled and told her that we had entered a 'very deep' jungle and that some killer branches brushed against us.

After all afternoon chatting exhausted and wanting to go to sleep, we were able to go up to our rooms and I fell exhausted on my bed. I woke up the next day still feeling sore but much more rested. I rubbed my eyes and heard a buzzing near me, I looked at my bedside table, the mobile light was on. I looked at it and it was a message from Kat.

<Hey stranger!
I haven't seen you since
the exam. Are you
well i wanted to tell you
what tomorrow
I'm going with my
parents to France
to spend the summer
with my uncles.
We can stay today

while? so
I say goodbye and
you update>


<go that you
you die typing...
I come at 4?
answer me with



I put down the phone and went down to the kitchen. There was only Melanie, apparently our parents were out, they had gone to spend the day at a mall or something and we were alone again. Surely she read my mind because she hugged me and kissed me sweetly. She broke away from me and caressed my cheek.

"How cute you are today"

"We have the whole day for us" She kisses me again, but this time it was longer.

"Well, all day..."

"What do you mean? You no longer have excuses, you don't have exams or anything, you are free. Finally!"

"It's just that I'm meeting Kat" she radically changed her look "Tomorrow she's going on vacation and she wanted to say goodbye to me"

"It does not matter"

She forced a smile, gave me a small kiss on the lips and left without saying anything.


When the time came I left the house, Kat was already there waiting for me.

"Shall we take a walk around these parts?" she laughed.

"Okay" We started walking next to the road.

"I was going to tell you to go to the city park but it's so far away... How lazy! The uni has left me without energy"

"Yes, besides, I still have soreness these days"

"About what?" She nudged me.

"From the trip to Hawaii"

"Did you go to Hawaii?!" I bet they heard it even in the Congo.

"Yes, I went with Melanie"

"Your sinister stepsister who scared you?"

"Yes, but not anymore"

We were silent for a while. It seemed to me that there was someone else, but we were alone, not even cars were passing at the time. I was startled when I heard a noise in the trees that, in the end, turned out to be the wind.

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