8> Without answers

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Melanie gently took my arm and walked towards my room while pulling me to follow her. She took me to my own room and closed the door. I don't know what mania this woman has with closing the doors.

"You can't go in there" she told me very calmly.

"I wasn't going to go in"

"Don't lie to me" she came back to me "Jodie, I don't want you to go in there. I don't want you to ask about me. I don't want you to gossip about me anymore"

"Uh... I..."

"Leave me alone, please" she said sadly.

"I just want to get to know you more. We live under the same roof"

"I don't care"

"Not to me!" Melanie snorted "I want to know..."


"What are you doing in the forest? I've seen you go there some nights"

Melanie didn't reply. She just walked out of my room leaving me speechless.

"Wait!" I ran out and saw her still in the hall. This time I held her by her shoulders and slowly brought her closer to the wall so she wouldn't get away.

"What are you doing?" She said surprised.

"If you don't want to tell me about the forest, fine. But let me tell you about something else, please"

"About what?"

"I've decided to... forget about last night. Even if you don't understand it"

"Thank you" she said with a downcast head.

"I guess it wasn't a voluntary act."

"Of course not! I would never hurt you... on purpose"

I released her and we heard someone in the kitchen. Melanie went downstairs and saw her father. I stayed upstairs but I could hear them.

"What did the doctor tell you?" Paul asked.

"He said I was better and that I no longer needed to go so much. Only once a month"

"Really? That's fabulous!"

They would be talking about the psychologist. So Melanie was better... I was glad to hear that but if she's better with her mother then what's wrong with her? Something else must happen to her.
And about the forest... If she doesn't know anyone, then she'll go alone. I guess she's just going for a walk, right?

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