2> Happy the four

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I woke up at 7 and was very sleepy. The night before I had a hard time sleeping because it was the first time I slept in the new house and every noise scared me. Yes, I'm a shit...

I went downstairs to have some delicious breakfast cooked by my mother but I didn't see anyone in the kitchen. Just an empty plate with a note:

"I went home for more stuff. I didn't tell you because you're a sleepyhead and you didn't get up early.
Postscript: Make your own breakfast lazy!"

"I didn't get up early...?"

Suddenly, I heard someone struggling at the front door and I was shocked by one of the ceiling lamps in the kitchen.

"Oh, dammit!" I rubbed my head.

I instinctively glanced at the door as it swung open. It was Paul. Behind was a girl.

"Oh, it's you. I didn't expect you to arrive so soon" I finished the sentence yawning.

"I scared you?" he laughed at me, obviously "I'm sorry, it's just that I had a hard time opening. By the way, it's not that soon."




"Well, this is Melanie, my daughter" he said, pointing to the girl.

"Enchanted" I said a little zombie.

Now that I took a good look at her, I could see what she was like. She had red hair like her father, her hair was long and her eyes were blue. She was taller than me and quite attractive but she was a little scary.
She didn't say anything to me but she smiled very slightly, almost unnoticeable, as if to say "just the same". Or so I think... After this she went up to her room carrying some bags.

"What do you plan to do today, Jodie?" Paul asked me.

"Well... how my mother has left me here abandoned and she won't come until... who knows when. I don't know, maybe I'll tidy up my room."

"Well, I'll do the same with my office."

"Today you do not work?"



"Yeah, I don't think so either."

Paul went to his office, which was a small room on the ground floor, next to the kitchen. I went up to my room.
I tidied up my entire room, especially the desk, so I could study as much as possible. Then I took a shower and went out for a walk with Kat, my friend.
We were walking around the house. I hadn't seen them yet. In front of the house there was a road and everything else was forest. There wasn't much to see except cars constantly passing by, but the atmosphere was cool and relaxed. And, during those days, anything was good as long as I rested from the move and didn't think about exams.
I said goodbye to Kat and went to my "new house" for dinner. In part, I was excited. The house was very nice, there was my peculiar mother, also Paul who was like a friend/brother and... Melanie, who still didn't know what she was for me.
I walked in and dinner was ready. Paul and my mother finished setting the table and sat down. I also did the same and, after a while, Melanie came down.
During dinner Paul was telling a lot of things to his daughter, who only spoke in monosyllables, and my mother and I also talked a lot. Especially her, who talked even while she was drinking water <Amazing...>.

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