13> Relaxing weekend - 2nd Part

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After that lightning came a few more and, a few seconds later, the rain. A downpour began to fall so suddenly that Melanie ran to close the window. It was also very windy and dragged the water against the house. She stood looking out completely silent, I got worried and went to her.
I put my arms around her and peeked out from behind her shoulder.

From her window she could see part of the road and the forest in front of her. It was all full of puddles and the amount of water that fell made it impossible to see beyond.

“What's happening? Are you afraid of thunder?” I asked.

“No, it's not that” she remained silent for a long time and then spoke to me in a low voice “There's someone outside”


“He's a guy I've seen before”

“Do you know him?”

“No, exactly. Do you remember that night when I got so... surly with you?”

“Only surly? If you almost killed me”

“That night I came very scared because a guy tried to hurt me”

“What happened?”

“That I defended myself. I beat him up, filling his face with blood and I think I even bit him”

“Do you think you bit him?”

“There was so much blood that I went crazy. I got frantic. Most likely I bit him a bit but I got away fast”

“And what is he doing there? Does he know where you live or what?”

“No, I don't think so” She turned to me “I hope not”

I hugged her tighter and then pulled away from her. We looked out the window again and the man was gone. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of him breaking into the house. Melanie, as if she knew what I was thinking, grabbed my hand tightly and said:

“Don't worry, he's already gone”

I took a deep breath from the relief I felt.


We were in the living room for a long time sitting on the sofa watching TV or, rather, listening to it while we kissed. But I was hungry, so I went to make myself a pizza. I took it out of the fridge and put it in the oven.
It seemed little to me and I began to prepare a salad. But when I was chopping the tomato I felt a tingling in both arms and a chill in my neck. Melanie caressed me while she gave me small kisses and nibbles on my neck.

“Do you want to stop? I can not focus”

But she ignored me, quite the opposite.

She put her hands under my shirt caressing my abdomen. Then she climbed them up and gently grabbed my breasts. I felt her body against my back.

“Me-Melanie, please”


She stopped suddenly. She grabbed me around the waist and spun me around. Just seeing the way she looked at me made my skin crawl.
But this time I was the one who surprised her by kissing her like there was no tomorrow. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she wrapped me around her back.
She drove me more and more crazy but not as much as her. She seemed to go crazy with every caress and, above all, with my kisses.
In the end, she left my mouth to go down to my neck. I don't know how she knew that it is my favorite area. She started caressing me with her lips but it seems that that wasn't enough because I noticed something wet. She slowly licked every inch of my neck and suddenly she stopped. Again.

“What's happening?” I told her upset.

“Did you hear that?”

“No, what?”

Melanie looked up and I turned quickly. We both looked at the front door that had just opened.



They came in a bit wet from the rain. They left their jackets and keys on the hall cabinet and walked quietly into the kitchen.
But along the way I could see that, at first, they looked at us as usual but then they looked at each other for a moment and smiled.
I didn't know why they had done that until I turned around and saw that Melanie was right behind me very close. We hadn't had time to separate.

My mother came over to give us two kisses and then Paul did.

“Mom, how come...?”

“Oh, yes” she interrupts me “We finished earlier than expected and we said why stay longer in New York? And we have come”

“I see”

“And how it was raining so much around here and you're afraid of lightning...”


They all laughed. Then they were silent for a few seconds... very uncomfortable.

“Have you had dinner? We're making a pizza” Melanie saved my life.

“Well, no” answered Paul, “we'll prepare another one, we're hungry”

“Well, come on”

Between the four of us we prepare dinner as a normal family, for the first time since we moved. I finished preparing the salad and the others got snacks and pizzas out of the oven. We put everything on the table and started eating.

After ten seconds of silence, my mother couldn't take it anymore and she began to speak.

“I haven't told you one thing, girls. It turns out that this gentleman” she said pointing to Paul who was sitting next to herb“almost lost our suitcases”

“That's not true” he replied laughing “It was the ones from the airport”

“Don't blame them for your mistake”

As they talked to each other about their bags and a few other things about the trip, Melanie and I kept looking at each other. She was sitting in the corner and I was next to her, in front his father's. She was eating a piece of pizza without feeling like she was hungry, if not not at all, and I laughed when I saw her. But because of that, I felt a stomp under the table.


“What's up, Jodie?” Paul asked me.

“Nothing, I burned myself with the cheese”

He didn't say anything else and continued talking to my mother. Melanie laughed silently, and I glared at her, which made her even more amused.

We finished dinner and the four of us talked for hours, then we watched TV for a long time. But they, who were exhausted from the trip, wanted to go to sleep and we all left.
I went into my room and looked out the window. It was still raining. I closed the curtains so that I could no longer see the drops trickling down the glass but I could hear them; a most relaxing sound to sleep, if it were not for the lightning that was heard from time to time. I crawled slowly into bed, yawning, but before I could turn off the light, Melanie came in and closed the door quietly.

“Damn what a scare!”

“Don't yell” she whispered, “stand back, give me room”

“What are you doing?”

“Don't you see?” She covers herself and settles down- “I'm going to sleep with you”


“Weren't you afraid of lightning? Well, I'll stay here to keep you company”


“Well, it's actually an excuse. I just wanted to sleep with you”


“Good night” Turns off the light and she lies down next to me.

I kissed her goodnight and went to bed too. I turned on my side and she hugged me, and finally I ended up falling asleep.

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