The past few days have been rather boring... Maybe. Or perhaps I've just been way to busy to write about it. The truth is, I finished Heritage fair the other day, so a huge weight has come off my shoulders. Thank the Lord that's over.
So, why did we do almost nothing?
Well, we went on a trip to CCI, a highschool for a Model UN conference. It was... interesting. Not that it was boring, it was just not my kind of a trip.
I got on the bus early in the morning, just as the bell was ringing. Grade 8's were forced to arrive before everyone else so that the bus could take two trips. As soon as I got to school, I went up and put my Heritage Fair board in Ms. I's room (good riddance).
Hailey, my partner was supposed to bring a bibliography, which she did. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to go staple it to the back of our board - Ms. Shaw, the teacher who was coming with us, stopped us on the way upstairs and told us it was time to go.
My bus seating partner person thing was Raven. We have this running joke about sitting together on the bus though. I suppose an explanation is needed now that I mentioned it.
Raven, Jagger, and I went to same school from Grade 1-3. Jagger and Raven were there since Kindergarten, but I only came in Grade 1. In Grade 2, I was in the same class as Raven. One day, we were going on a class trip to a farm (?). Raven was sitting with me, and on the way there, I got the aisle seat. Or she did. I forgot. The point is, the one who didn't get the aisle seat on the way there wanted it on the way back, and the person who got the aisle seat again wouldn't give it up. Raven and I began arguing fiercely. Unfortunately for me, she was and still is much stronger than I, and her little slaps really hurt me. Undeterred, I had gritted my teeth and held back the tears. I informed her that I had a dream last night about her. I said that I had a huge house and was very rich and super awesome. All my friends lived with me there - except for her. Boohoo.
Of course, I never did have a dream anywhere remotely close to that, but Raven didn't need to know that. All I knew was that if someone had said that to me, I would have been very hurt. Well, I am too sensitive for my own good. Raven instead threw back an insult. She said she had a dream too. She said she had a dream that she killed me. With blazing eyes, she grabbed my arm and stared me down.
"And it was the best dream ever," she had finished.
That was enough for me.
I had burst into tears. Oh well, it was inevitable. The point is, we both got in trouble for being mean, but Raven got in more trouble than me, because, well, what she said was meaner than what I said. I remember being very smug about that.
Now you know, Raven!
Anyways, on the day of the trip in grade 8, we were like, "No dreams? Kay. Cool."
Just to be sure.
The bus ride was short, so we didn't do or say much. I was sitting across from Paige and Justin, the love birds. Raven and I saw Paige with her head on Justin's shoulder and were like, "Awww..."
Or was that on the way back...
I don't remember.
We entered the school, and I swear I saw Zara's sister standing there in the front. I asked Zara later to confirm, and sure enough, I was right.
Most of the day was rather boring. Wait, not boring. Like I said, it just wasn't my style of trip. If I had a personality like Pierce or Marcus, I'm sure I would have enjoyed this trip way more. I liked the steel pan performance though. They played "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry for one of their songs, and Raven reminded me that it was Kirby's favourite song. I'd almost forgot about him...
We did some debate about the American debt, which I really couldn't care less about. I know, it's a real life issue, and I should care, but I just don't. It wasn't much of a debate either, since everyone had some negative things to say about the USA. The only person who was not on the same page was Justin, who was representing the USA, and whatever country Reno was representing. He was pretty much sucking up to America, which was pretty funny. Another comical event was when the representative for Barbados threatened to declared war on America. I don't think they realized how small Barbados is, and how big America is...Oh well, it was a simulation.
The school gave us cookies, water, pop, and pizza - at separate times, of course. I ate food. It was good. (Great sentences, Hope)
I was kind of in a bad mood for the rest of the day. We went on a tour of the school, which was interesting, because we found that two of our teachers graduated from there. That was also interesting.
I sat at the back with my earphones in when we returned to the auditorium, where the conference was originally held. Our tour guide was taking questions about literally anything- the school, the Model UN, even himself. I have to admit he kind of reminded me of Jason. Does anyone else agree with me? Shane was asking dumb questions, like what deodorant he uses. He actually answered Shane's questions. I guess that was because we had nothing else to do.
One of the teachers there was talking to us about other stuff. I forgot what kind of stuff, something about some super cool loan company in India (yay). Ms. S told him about our fundraising campaign, the one where we were buying goats for families in Africa. I have donated a grand total of....$5.00! Yay me.
Maybe it was the music that was affecting my mood, but I think the events of the past week are more to blame. It has not been a great week for me. Really, I hated it. And the song that I listened to over and over was some very sad love song. It's really nice, but it is also really sad.
I got back to school in the same mood, listening to the same song. Hailey sat with me for awhile, urging me to confront the problem I was facing, either that day after school, or this weekend. I'm sorry to say that the issue has still not been resolved. Thankfully, Hailey came to the rescue and told me she would help me with it on Monday. Thank God. I've tried a couple times to fix it, but it just hasn't worked. Maybe I can have a better week next week.
Hey guys!
Thanks for reading, again. Please vote, and if you have anything to say, please comment as well!
Oh, and if you were wondering, the song I was listening to is called "A drop in the ocean" by Ron Pope.

Time of My Life
Non-FictionSo, you've decided to click on THIS story, out of millions on Wattpad. I'm flattered - really, I am. This is something that a couple of my friends do on Wattpad, and I figured - why not? Thanks to you guys, for giving me the idea. My idea of a good...