The Time The DJ Got Us Cryin'

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Please be warned that not all flights turn out well. Sometimes we crash. And people die.

Good morning. Or afternoon. Or evening. Or middle of the night. Whenever you have take time out of your day to read this. Thank you.

Today was the Graduation Dance.

I wasn't at school in the morning, because I had an interview to go to. It went well, I guess. Especially since the questions that were asked were not oral, but written down on a piece of paper. I had to answer them by writing, which is good because I have a way with words on paper that I don't have verbally. If I had to answer them out loud, I would be dead, because I would never be able to think of the right words in time. With writing, I get more time to think my answers through.

After that, my mom drove me to school, IN MY DRESS. I begged her to let me wear something else and let me change at school, but she was like,"Nahhh g," so I showed up all dressed up. My dress was light blue with a dark blue design on it, and I really liked it. Unfortunately, every time I see/wear it after this, it will bring back every memory of Chips ever.

When I went to the office, I saw our graduation pictures on the desk on got slightly excited. It was the page with everyone, the one they hang up in the hallway. I went upstairs to Ms. I's class, only to receive a squeal from Ashley. Ily Ashley! I tried to stay there, but Ms. I kicked me out. I didn't realize it was homeroom.

I entered my own classroom to see that Ms. S was not there. A supply teacher sat in the desk, smiling sweetly as everyone goofed off. Well, it's not like we had any work anyways. I didn't do much, except watch some suuuuper funny stuff with Hailey. Kudos to Hailey for introducing me to Daz_Black.

We watched until people started getting up, and I was kind of confused. It was only a few minutes later that I realized everyone was going to change. Even though I was already dressed (THANKS, MOM), I went to the washroom to do the ritualistic squeal when someone comes out of the stall, all dressed. Most of the squealing was Ashley and I.... Well, we have practice from other things, don't we Ashley?

Oh and of course helping with fixing bows, zipping up, etc.

We returned to class after getting dressed, but Lila took her dress back off again, heaven knows why. Actually, she said she was getting lunch, so maybe that's why. It would be rather strange walking into the store with a dress and heels on.

For lunch, Hailey, Natalia, Raven, Riley, Melissa, Erin and I went to Erin's house to get even more stylish. All of them didn't get dressed up in the washroom before, so they put on their super pretty dresses there (except for Hailey, who wore a very handsome suit) . After that, they put on makeup, and I must say, they have skill. Actually, Raven did the eyeliner application, and that must be because she does some KILLER EYELINER SKILLS. I helped Natalia re-straighten her hair, even though it was already fine, and I straightened Melissa's hair. I asked Raven to apply eye liner for me as well, just because it looked sooo KILLER. And I have to admit, it looked pretty good. I stopped there though - no more makeup. Hailey also opted for no makeup.

Erin's uncle took a picture of us all dressed up before we left, and I walked back with no shoes on, just because I can. People on the street were looking at us weird, but WHATEVERRRRRRRR. We looked better than them, no doubt. Sorry, random people.

Going back into the school, I felt pretty cool. We went back up to washroom, for whatever reason, but Ms. Shaw told us to get out. We tried to stall (heh heh, STALL, because it's a washroom, heh heh) and it worked! The bell rang, and people started coming back inside. Hah to you, Ms. Shaw. Hah.

Lila put her dress back on, with my assistance of course ;-). We returned to class, where Mme D, our French teacher, took attendance. We were delayed for a bit, then the announcement came for us to go down. I was kind of excited, because everyone was so dressed up and... Well, it was just exciting.

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