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"No doubt about it, that bitch is nothing less then pure evil" an officer said, evaluating the gore splattered scene that lay in front of him, running his finger across the wall
"I just don't understand. This was a kid?" The man next to him asked, and the officer sighed and stood up
"This kid must be the daughter of Satan, holy shit.... I haven't seen anything like this since Alexandria Eve was arrested" he scoffed
"Me neither, this is just fucked up"

The young girl jumped down from the light fixture, landing weightlessly on the floor, before walking up to a random case
"Opal pendant... Opal pendant... ooh that's pretty.... Opal pendant... emerald!" She thought, before turning to another case
"Guess imma have to steal these ones too!"
Alarms blasted, they were deafening, as the young girl broke the glass and took as much as she could from the display case
Rings, necklaces, broaches, pendants, she didn't care what, she was taking it, then her eyes fell on a dagger
It was decorated beautifully with diamonds, and she walked towards the box it was kept in
"Papa won't mind if I take some things for myself" she thought, breaking the case and taking it, along with whatever was in the case
Footsteps quickly approached, and she put all the goods in a classic coin bag, before bolting
However when she turned a corner, grabbing hands tried to get her, which she dodged easily
"Papa used a harder ability then that when we were training! Dumbass! You'll never catch me!" She hollered, dodging a taser
She was pretty hard to catch, raised to be a perfect maiden soldier, and trained by the best soldier there is
A man loaded a shotgun, and blasted it at her face. She narrowly avoided, but she spun around and grabbed it, before shoving the barrel in his mouth
"Bang" she whispered before pulling the trigger, before turning to the people who were chasing her
"Now you're going to die~" she coed in a sickly sweet voice, cracking open the shotgun, and loading it with 2 shells
"How many should we say, Frog? 6? 7?" She said, before laughing
"You're always brilliant, frog! 10!" She chuckled, before putting the gun on her shoulder- albeit on the wrong side
A man charged at her with nun chucks, to which she responded by kicking him in the gut, spinning around on her heel, hitting him with the butt of the gun, before shoving the barrel of the shotgun into his chest, pulling the trigger
"How rude of me, not very lady like of me! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Lady Solace, daughter of king Lucifer, terribly sorry of that" she said, picking up the nun chucks, and putting them in her bag as well
She chuckled, putting the shotgun back in her shoulder, before pointing it at the guards
"May god have mercy on your souls, because hell surely won't" she whispered
One man stepped back, running, but Solace caught that
Standing up, she spoke in a saddened tone
"Aww, leaving the party? Stay forever!" She exclaimed, a bookcase moving across the room, blocking the door. Solace laughed at that hard
"Are you a maniac? Does anyone have a bible?" A man shouted, which made solace scoff
"Wow, we really aren't on the same page here, are we?" She asked before pouncing on the man, her foot on his throat, her other foot on his stomach, the shotgun between his eyes
"Want to repeat those words?" She said, before getting no response, to which she shot the man in the head
"Wow, can't get a decent man around here? What the hell are you all like?" She said, before walking back to her original spot

She walked out, wiping the last bit of blood from her body, a new change of clothes- opting for a cute floral summer dress and heels
"Ah!- it's 3pm? Already?" She panicked, before growling "Good job! This isn't lady like at all!"
she threw the gun at a case, breaking it, before walking up to it to retrieve the gun thrown in anger
"Opal.... that's a rainbow of colors, right?" She questioned, before taking out the picture her dad gave to her of it
"This is it!" She said, slipping it out from it's case, putting it in her bag
She walked out the back exit, and into another building to finish the last part of her plan
She gently walked up the stairs, careful as to not make a sound
The girl hid behind a box, before removing her backpack and taking off her outfit, replacing it for a cute lolita style dress, tying her long violet hair into pigtails. She hid her right eye, and hid what she had stolen under petticoats, before stepping out of hiding, walking up to an unexpected officer
She smiled a warm welcome, she was going to put on a fucking performance and a performance she did
"S-sir... what's going on? I'm scared!" She wailed out, faking tears, which she wiped away, looking up at him
He brought it!
He kneeled down to her, and she looked up
"Where's my papa? I want my papa" she cried louder, and he offered his hand out, which she gracefully took. He was easily tricked, but she was going all out.
"I-I'm sorry, it's not very ladylike to cry- I am a little lady after all"
"That's okay, miss" he began, holding her hand as he lead her to the street "let's get you to your father"

The officer lead her down the street, to the front of the museum where they looked through the crows
"He's tall, and has white hair- you can't miss him" she explained as a man approached. His hair was

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