Destruction & domination

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Samira sat at the table, keeping to herself. She was in general a very isolated girl, she kept to herself, on her phone, messaging Vera and Ashen. It was not in English, speaking the language commonly spoken by the royal family- latin. She looked up to be met with a greyish purple haired lady
"Can i help you?" Samira asked, as the woman sat opposite her
"You are the girl Rome told me about, right? The vampire priest" She questioned, and Samira nodded
"I am Laura Parris, the head priest here. Why are you sitting by yourself?" She questioned, and Samira looked around, before responding, she wasn't going to talk to people she was going to attack, her fodder shouldn't talk back
"I'm not exactly the social type" she explained, hoping that answer would be accepted, but the priest seemed a little sceptical at this. Would she not accept antisocial behaviour as an answer as to why she shes sitting alone? She had her fathers stubbornness! Samira internally groaned at this, she already hated Abbaddon's stubbornness, and Jinx was stubborn enough for multiple people. Spectre wasn't stubborn, but she was very anxious around everyone. Samira despised that family's stubbornness, but now shes found out it's hereditary
"So you're antisocial?" The priest asked, and Samira internally rolled her eyes
"Yeah" she bluntly said, she thought this was common knowledge!
Samira's phone lit up, it was from Lucifer, but it was dad in her phone, the text was in russian as Samira indicated they need to swap to russian as a person was approaching. She read it, and realised what it said. She just hoped the woman didn't speak russian
Murder or incapacitate Parris at imp's time
The woman didn't notice, and Samira quickly flipped her phone over
"I've told my dad, but we're mostly night travellers, so he might appear at night" samira explained. She did not need this woman to find out her fake dad was an incubus vampire, her fake sister was a high priest of hell, and her real dad was Lucifer Amos. The whole mission would be over in that case, however the woman ignored it
"Thats good. Also, can we walk and talk?"

"So, Rome told me he saw you cough up blood yesterday night, are you okay?" She questioned, as the women walked around the foyer "if you need a doctor, or something, we can get one"
Samira shook her had, indicating no
"Ah, thats just an illness, i have medicine for it" She spoke honestly. Benjamin had given her some to cover most of the symptoms, but even he said they'd cover some of the less extreme ones. Even she knew it wouldn't work for that symptom
"What is the illness?" She asked, and Samira thought. She could claim she couldn't remember the English name, but what does she claim? Her illness is something only imps are affected by, what did Benjamin say?
"Its bronchitis, nothing too deadly, especially since we caught it quickly" she explained. If she pet on asking questions, Samira might run out lies if Laura kept on asking questions, but she is able to make things up quickly if need be
"Have you contacted your parents?" She asked, and Samira nodded
"Yes i have, Ive talked to my dad. We're night folk though, so it might be late"

Night rolled around, and Laura took her hair out of the plaits she keeps it kept in, as the door knocked. She walked to the door, as a well dressed man and elegant dressed woman stood
"Ah, are you Samira's family?"
The well dressed man had fairly long hair, kept in a ponytail. He wore a pure black suit- even the tie was black, and his hands were decorated in expensive rings. He had a neat beard, with warm brown eyes. He was fairly tall, standing at around 6ft 6.
"Yes, is she here?" He questioned, as Laura motioned to Rome
"She is- uh"
"Oh, how rude of me" he slightly chuckled, holding his hand out for a handshake "Edward Byron"
The woman shook the mans hand, he was so warm hearted, she wondered how he could be related to someone so cold like Samira
"This is Samira's older sister, Amber" Edward introduced to the woman "she can't talk, poor thing, but she's a sweet woman"
"A sad tale, but they always have the brightest minds. Please, come in while my friend alerts her"
Amber wore an elegant dress with a coat over the top, keeping out the bitter cold. She was masked, a smart way of keeping out the cold. Her hair was short and a fiery red colour. Her eyes were a bright amber colour, and she wore heels, although she was already fairly tall, although it was perfectly common for humans to be taller then 6ft, some even reaching 7ft tall

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