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"She fell directly from heaven... were they trying to kill her?"
"Normally they'd go for one of the worlds- just not hell. Who is this girl and what did she do?"

"I remember the day I fell" she spoke "they massacred them. My family, friends, members of the cult. I retaliated by slaying 50,000 angels for every one they did, and that was a lot but what was I to do? Not retaliate? They mercilessly murdered my family and children and for my retaliation I paid the price"

Falling, calm. Wind flowing through messily cut hair. She did not react, closed eyes and dead calm expression. Wings fading from holiness to sinful black. Unmoving,
Glancing up, she made eye contact with the bastards who shoved her away from grace, remorseless. Attempting to fly, she found herself unable to complete that task, only stretching her wings to their limits; sinew ripping and bones cracking, she gritted her teeth in agony.
This was the punishment for her crimes, although the leaders did worse then she did. Why should she suffer because of a retaliation? Snapping bones, she reached out to the snapped ligaments, as she fell through the earth and towards her destined location, wrapping herself firmly in wings of pure bone and cartilage, cushioning her fall, landing on the ground with a firm crash; dust everywhere, debris crashing and a shockwave following closely behind

Standing up from his desk, he felt the shockwave, harmless but powerful
"What was that?" He asked, as his child- a 7 year old soft spoken and lively girl, clung to his trouser leg, pulling her small and frail frame close to his protective body. Unsure, the nearby friend signed back, unsure of an answer. Hesitant, the friend replied
"Did that fall from the heavens?"
Hesitant once again, he faced his dear friend, and then his daughter. Frail and weak, she was afraid; afraid of the unknown, and whatever invaded their lands from heaven, she knew as much as the adults did. Nothing, it could be some weapon sent from the heavens to destroy imps, or an angel either escaping the cruelty of heaven or being forced down here as a payment or twisted punishment. It was most likely dead, no angel can survive a drop that far unless they mangled their wings to survive, but either way both adults had to investigate . The man took his daughter's frail hands, and kneeled to meet her eyes
"Don't worry, Sol, we will protect you. Me and Ashen both want to protect you, you are safe" he reassured her, picking her frail frame up and holding her close to his chest, as she buried her face in his cloak, hugging his strong frame tightly. Ashen lifted the window up
"It came from purgatorio, that is the land of lust" ashen signed as lucifer stretched out his wings, running out the window with ashen following quickly after, the window slamming shut with force as ashen let go.

Succubus, incubus were gathered around, in various styles of clothes as the cambions stood in their school uniforms in interest and confusion. Many styles of clothing, from leotards and bikinis to suits and military uniform; jogging bottoms and no shirt to suits and uniforms, the school uniform was unique to each school, and Lucy could pick out which child was from what school. Splitting, the crowds noticed the king and the high priest, and they moved out of the way
"Everyone! This is military business now!" Lucy announced, walking towards the fairly good sized crater "go on with your every day! I want military personnel involved immediately!"
Examining around, Lucy looked up to the sky, then back at the ball of feathers
"What is she planning?" He asked himself, before jumping into the pit. Ashen quickly followed behind their dear friend, wanting a closer look
Solace sat at the edge, she was afraid of getting closer, but a friendly succubus teenager was able to keep her fairly well entertained with her imagination and skill of story telling, as Lucy and Ashen edged closer to the unknown object from the sky, then they realised the horror awaiting them
Feathers created from cartilage and wings made of bone; this wasn't a weapon, this was a human
"Oh, archangelo!" Ashen exclaimed quietly to themselves , before turning to a guard
"Get a sawbones! This is human" they ordered, as the guard disappeared into smoke
Without nerves or pain receptors in them, ashen and Lucy knew it was safe to take a knife to the wings made of bone, which they did with precision and delicacy, however after half an hour of delicate persistence, and the doctor assisting, able to tell the fine work of cartilage apart from the gentle and soft feathers from true feathers of the wings
"The angel... it's still alive..." the doctor exclaimed, touching a soft and true feather "its hurt, but alive!"
As the last cartilage feathers were pulled off, they laid eyes on this incredible angel for the first time. Small and delicate frame, with soft skin that was unnaturally pale, blue skeletal markings on her porcelain body. White hair messily cut and pale eyebrows and eyelashes, she had albinism! Slowly opening her eyes, she looked around. Crystal white eyes with hints of green, she looked around confused, but not moving, and she began speaking. Not speaking English, the others had to remember pig latin
"Where am i?" She asked, as Lucy kneeled next to her shoulder
"Purgatorio, hell" he responded, and she appeared worried, attempted to run, however her legs refused to move, her arms were tired and her wings appeared damaged
"Wait, we want to help you, excuse my bastardised pig latin, i have not spoke it in ages" he said, walking towards the woman, reaching out for her wings "can i?" He asked, and she hesitated, thinking, as he took the knife out of his pocket and threw it out of arms reach. She nodded, he reached out for her wing, brushing her delicate feathers in between his fingers. Softer then a normal angels, almost as if she never shed her baby feathers. Moving across the bone in her wing, she gritted her teeth reaching the joint, and he noticed
"I never asked for your name" he spoke in his broken- although still understandable pig Latin
"Just call me El. That's all" she quickly spoke "nothing else."
"Alright, love" the doctor spoke in pig Latin, perfect and fluent "what happened? I want to know everything"
She explained, as he checked her body for any injuries, before wrapping the injuries up, tightly to ensure good healing, as he reassured her with words of endearment

"I don't get it" she muttered "where are the sound of the damned? The suffering? Where's the torment?"
Thinking, he had to answer honestly, and Lucy kneeled in front of the woman
"The souls of the damned? They go to the world of the dead and serve their punishment there. Only the truly wicked come here, and if they're far from redeemable or if we don't want to redeem them... they get eaten" he cautiously explained "there's something about you, though... you don't even seem evil. El, You're too soft spoken to be cruel"
She stayed quiet at that, barely moving and barely talking, before she just quietly spoke one sentence, a sentence that would make people question if she was a good person
"Even good people can be cruel"
"I'm sorry, did you just insinuate you're cruel?" Ashen asked, shocked. El barely responded, only looking away from the chat

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