Saint Valentines orphanage's peace

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The girl knocked on the door, slumping against a pillar. It was cold that night, too cold for her.
After what felt like ages, a light flipped on, and she heard a door unlock. She coughed, and looked at her hand
"No now is not the time!" She muttered, before standing up, meeting face to face with a man. He scared her, he didn't make a sound!
"Oh my gosh are you alright?" He questioned, and she nodded slightly
"It will pass, I've gotten lost from my family! Can i stay here?" she spoke
The man- a long white haired, black eyed, alternative dressing vampire, let her in. He put his hand on her shoulder
"You're frozen to the core, let me get you something warm, sit here" he said, as he rushed off somewhere. The girl sat down, waiting. Quickly the man returned, holding a blanket, which he draped over the girls small frame
"Whats your name?" He asked, ensuring her torso was hidden from the cold nights air
"Samira" she shivered, and he put his hand on her back, leading her away
"I'm Rome, a priest here. Look, rest up, warm up, would you like something to drink or eat?" He asked, leading her around the corner, pushing open a door. The hall was dark and doors were everywhere. The doors, some had signs on them, some had been covered with glitter and stickers or markers, clearly belonging to young children. It was colourful and warm, with the classic childish wallpaper, with animals dotted around on it. The carpet was soft and a warm orange colour, it clearly housed young kids, as Samira looked at the childish writing of names on the doors, it reminded her of when she was younger. Her father had let her design her room to her liking, and she just wanted purples, reds and black! It was cute and childish here, if she had grown up normally, she had most likely have gone for something like this. She had an abnormal childhood though, and here she was now, befriending the people sworn to kill her, it was a peculiar situation, really. If he had known who he was talking to, he sure would've taken that sword off of his back and used it by now. However he did not know her name and he did not need to know, at least for now.
They walked up a set of stairs, into a more dull hallway. This one clearly belonged to older kids, maybe from 13 up? The walls were a light blue, and the carpets were a soft lavender colour. Some doors had stickers, but most had bought name signs or do not disturb signs. It was not what she was used to, but she was not going to be here for a long time. He lead her to a room, before opening it
"Here, put your stuff down, would you like something to eat or drink?" He asked, as the girl stepped into the room
"Just a tea will be fine, I'm not very hungry" she said, and the man nodded and closed the door, she texted something on her phone, before throwing it out the bed. She took off her others, and put a spare change of clothes on. She sat on the bed, looking around

There was a sliding window, with blackout blinds. The carpet was black, and the room was not massive, but easily can house 2 comfortably. The bed was smaller then she was used to, but she understood the room was meant for kids, not for kids like her. Even the lords kids she know has double beds, mostly covered with plushies or pillows- although she was also certainly guilty of that, hers being covered with an array of pillows. However she once again couldn't complain, she wasn't staying here for long. At the foot of the bed was a dresser, clearly intended for long term residents, and across the room from that was a small TV. She wouldn't use it, she never liked the shit humans played, she much rather the Gothic shows shown at home, even if they were hard to understand for most they were still fascinating to watch. She would certainly be impressed if shows from hell were screened for the other worlds, but once again she couldn't complain. This place was not built for her, its for human children. She examined the outside, and notice a small lip outside of the window, it was big enough for her to climb out of, and she closed the window. She just had to find out where Ashe and Seyton were, Ashe was around 21 now, but she still lived here. She thought, maybe she would be in the workers corridor, but she had heard from a spy that her and Seyton shared a room, she jut had to find out where
She leaned out of the window, holding her hand out, as a fly landed on her hand
"Do me a favour" she began speaking in russian, speaking to the fly, before giving access to the imp of hell "find Ashe and Seyton, once theyre found, find Parris' daughter, then return" she was taught russian early on in life, her father was born to a russian mother and was raised by his russian speaking older sister, alongside his twin sister. Despite her mother being purely English, she had learnt russian for secret conversations and personal discussions.

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