How to break in and steal important information

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"I'm telling you, man, I have never even considered the possibility of changing my physical form" Lucy said to his friend, the lord of lust; used to physically changing his looks and hiding his true personality to commit acts of lust or for a meal. Lucy was not used to doing that, he was used to sweet talking, or rarely brute force. Despite being born of the same breed; incubus, the two couldn't be less alike
"Ah you'll get used to it; this is with flies, not power of lust, you'll get used to it" Vera said, as he leaned against the windowsill, watching his friend
"What's the difference?" Lucy asked, tiredly
"One only changes physicality temporarily, and doesn't go to the extreme of the other. I'm sure you know if I transformed, everything about me would change. Wait long enough and I'd bleed, but flies don't do that, it isn't built to last ages" Vera explained to his friend "how long can you last?"
"5 hours at most"
Slipping on a hoodie, Lucy thought for a plan, as he tucked his long hair into the back. It would just get in the way of things; he did not need that. He slipped a different style of eyepatch on, from his upside down pentagram to a plain black one, except for a delicate rose
Stocking up on weapons, he tucked a pistol into his shorts, tucking it under his hoodie, then loading the pouch on his belt full with bullets. Throwing the coat over his shoulders then putting it on, he grabbed the mask, before disappearing
Morphing his body was the easiest part, it was morphing everything else that was the hard part, and possibly the hardest part to get used to, never having shifted his body before, especially to a college age girl. Unsure of college age, as in hell school is based on intelligence and not age, however he had contacts to people who knew. Only needing to get information on 2 people; people the angels had hidden as much information as they could from the ones who rightfully deserved it. Archangelo, and Zero; information for those two was vague and choppy at best, but Lucy had grown aware of recent times the most information was in Eden. The plan was simple- break in, take as much information as possible, draft it, escape. Straightforward, and the perfect mission for him. He was skilled in these sorts of missions.

Approaching the place where information on the target would be know, he held onto the hand grip of the train, barren and quiet but he wanted to be able to react if attacked; wearing only one earbud as he listened to any music he could, mostly with Russian lyrics but he wasn't picky about music
Nearing the central library, he stepped off of the train, approaching the library. Stepping in, he quickly found what he was after, and began the search. Flipping through, he read, scribbling down anything that would be useful in his notes on his phone. Information was hard to come across about year zero, but that was easy to understand, he would just get whatever information was possible and piece it up from there, it shouldn't be too hard to do that. He took whatever books he think would be useful; which was surprisingly a small amount, however they still existed

"I haven't seen you around here before" a man said, and Lucy paused his music, meeting eyes with the king of demons
He didn't seem as threatening as his reputation said. Heterochromia eyes of blue and red, red hair pinned back into a low ponytail. Black hoodie and grey jeans with a black shirt, Lucy has seen intimidating before, and his reputation surely was; his looks were not"new to this area?"
"Yeah, came here for a good education" Lucy lied, but he was such a good liar it was hard to see through the lies
"Year zero, huh? Fascinating phenomenon, I wouldn't use that book for research though. Most of the information in that one is vague" the demon king explained, unknowingly helping an enemy, was he truly naïve to help a person he did not recognize, even if that person was an enemy. This king of demons must be confident in his skills as a soldier, he knew why, too.
"Really?" Lucy questioned "which one would you recommend?"
"My wife's favorite one to read is angel history" the demon king explained "by the way, I notice an accent. Russian?"
Lucy hadn't even realized this whole time he had been speaking with a Russian accent, normally he's good at masking it but he forgot to, he just had to play along with it, he was stupid for forgetting his accent! What other white haired, red eyed person had a thick Russian accent?
"Yeah, Moscow" he spoke truthfully, after escaping heaven him and his sisters spent time with the Russians. Normally it would be the parents assisting, but his parents were long dead by then. Luke had done that for them, playing the role of mum
"Moscow, beautiful city" the demon king began speaking in Russian now "but for year zero information I'd look at angel history and events, you might even find more interesting events and phenomena too"

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