Point counterpoint

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Shaky hands, teary eyes, the gun wouldn't cock, the trigger wouldn't pull. Hoping she wouldn't be seen. Hands still shaking, harder and faster, she she struggled to hold onto the weapon. She's made it out of there, people were certainly looking for her. No bags were packed, she wouldn't need them with where she's going, but footsteps were approaching. Dressed in camo, she made her punishment obvious to the regular man; she had done wrong, she shouldn't have, but she paid the price for it. 8 years of court appointed hellish nightmare. The footsteps approached faster still, the rain beating down faster, but she sheltered, she hated the rain.
The bells on the church chimed; midnight. Nobody from her branch would care enough to look for her, too selfish for that. Nobody would care, nobody would come

"Don't do it!" A man yelled, as the gun was grabbed out of her hand, thrown across the room. Black and red hair, a trench coat, black military uniform... this man, he was SAS, normally they deal with more extreme things then one soldier disappearing
"Don't do that" he spoke, kneeling in front of the girl, breathing heavily, catching his breath "it's not worth it, every problem, as impossible as they seem to solve, can be"
She did not respond, slouched over, face buried in her webbing- although empty- and jacket, arms now firmly placed on her stomach, and one knee up
"Hey... what's your name?" He asked, as he radioed something in Spanish; she didn't speak Spanish, but it was most likely something like 'found her'. However, she also heard Ambulancia, even she could decipher what that meant. However, she kept her onyx eyes off of him, she didn't want help, but she found herself tired
"Azura Abbott" she admitted
"I am Samson Raiden, nice to meet you" he said, gently. There was something about him, she felt safe, like every issue in her life would disappear

"Wait" he said, as he moved her arm, took off the webbing with a knife in the trench coat. What was once green was dyed crimson now
"Es urgente!" He yelled into the walkie talkie on his own webbing, located near his shoulder "que? Es urgente! ella ha sido disparada! Ambulancia primero!" He ordered, before he took a cloth out of his jacket, pressing it firmly against her chest, she did not fight back
"Want to play a game?" She asked him "point counterpoint. Familiar? You play point!"
The man thought for a moment, before nodding in agreement
"Alright... family?" He asked
"My family is dead" she began "my parents were both only child's, my grandparents died when I was young. My parents had other children, but they died in a house before I was arrested, there is nobody left for me" she explained, her onyx eyes never making contact with his gold eyes
"Friends?" He asked
"My friends were all arrested"
Samson thought, looking around for her belongings, before landing his eyes on a white keytar, well cared for
"Is that yours?" He asked, motioning towards the cared for keytar, and she looked at where his eyes were
"Yeah, that's mine. It was expensive but it's my pride and joy in life. Music is all I have left in life"
"I'll use that as my point" he said, and she paused. Could she come up with a counterpoint? She froze in thought, attempting to find a way to get a counterpoint, but no matter what she thought of, anything she thought of would not work, did she lose? She had to find a comeback to that
"Music doesn't fix what happened." She stated, attempting to fight back
"Then why don't you talk about it?" He used as the point. She knew what to use as her counterpoint
"Because nobody would listen"
Samson made eye contact with her, the guilt and depression noticeable, but also a fear. She appeared tired as well, mentally and physically
"But I am. I've dealt with many people, hurting, exactly like you"
Looking away, Azura couldn't help but feel childish, wasting the SAS' time because she wanted to die
"You must think I'm childish" she said, looking away "for wanting to die, must be childish"
"Not at all." He comforted "a lot of people think this way. When I was 14, I was so depressed I wouldn't leave my room. One night mi padre decided to check on me, if he didn't sit there with me, throw the rope out of my hand and wait with me for an ambulance, I wouldn't be here. Sometimes it's just finding the right person to comfort you that makes all the difference" he admitted, and she looked at him once again, she felt a sense of security and weakness to him, lowering himself to her level. That was helpful to her, as she stopped viewing him as SAS, but as a regular man. This was just a man who's worked hard, most likely with a family at home, children who have to eat, maybe a partner waiting for his return too. Looking at his badges and patches sewn carefully onto his sleeve patch, she could gather a few things. If any partner was waiting at home, it was certainly a man. He was Spanish, and he was a captain. However, something caught her eye, around his neck. Amidst the black and grey fabric of the SAS uniform, around his neck was a slither of white. Darkness obscured her vision, but she had to ask
"Are you a priest?" She asked, and he pointed to his collar
"This? Yes, I am. Cherub to be more specific however" he explained. There was no husband waiting at home for him, however the chain around his neck indicated someone was waiting. Adopted child? A friend? A niece or nephew, but she didn't know if he had any siblings or not, and she didn't know if it was rude to pry into his life, so she chose to keep her mouth shut
"Can I finish the rest of my sentence at your base? I behave well and follow orders!"
Samson thoughts about it, Echo doesn't stay on base often and princess would certainly like a bit of feminine company to keep around. Would there be room for one more? The women's corridor is pretty empty, with only princess and phantom there, sometimes Echo but not often. Rabbi might be able to take one more on, he normally takes on the new recruits in SAS.
"I think that can be arranged" Samson replied "it's hard work though, can you prove yourself worthy?"
"Well...?" Azura questioned "what skills are needed?"
"Hackers, spies, watchers are easily accepted, however any skill relating to the tasks we complete" he explained, and she sat up more
"I can do spying! I'm really good at getting out of situations! After me and my friends robbed the bank, I wasn't caught for weeks, using tactics used in the hacker war to hide. Dyed my hair, mask, all black and simple clothes, I dropped my phone into a lake so it couldn't be tracked to me. I used handouts to get food and only ever carried cash on me and I cut up my ID card" she explained. No point holding what she's capable of in, there was no purpose. In front of her, was the fate between life and death.
The face of an angel, the voice of an angel, the collar of an angel, life, the clothes of death, a gun of suffering on one side and protection on the other. He could kill her, he could let her die, but he could also help her to live through the bullet in her chest. He has the choice for all of this, and he could easily turn on her, think of her as too dangerous. He is the factor between her surviving or seeing deaths true face for one time, she had been running from death for years, afraid to turn back, slipping into the night to see the one she had been escaping. No man or woman has immortality, so why is he saving her? Was this just fate for her to meet him? She didn't much believe in fate, but if something else had happened, like if she hadn't stolen the gun and ran into the night, but took her life in the place she would call hell on earth

"Why do you save me?" She asked, and he pursed his lips, thinking
"I have a girl at home, 3 actually, they're just like you. I can't let you die."

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