When monsters join

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Its hard dying, not that quick and painless death, or a peaceful death that everyone wants, fading away in your sleep. She would never get that luxury- the luxury of going down in the blaze of glory, a truly noble death; or a quick death. No. She had to suffer- to be afraid any day would be her last, it pained her and her family to see her suffer
She knelt on the floor folded over herself slightly, coughing blood into a tissue she held,a man supporting her hand, helping her hold her hand to her mouth. He knelt next to her, his other hand on her back.
"Solace" he began "you cant cough up any more, any more would be fatal" he spoke in a soft and deep voice. Her coughing slowed down, and she began heaving and gasping for air. The man turned to the maid, and she bowed her head
"I will get water" she said, and the man nodded, before the maid walked out, closing the door
"Careful, Solace" he spoke, sitting her up, resting against the bed frame
"Benjamin... i think I'm alright" she said, looking up at the man called Benjamin
"Just dont move yet, you've lost a lot of blood, i can tell just from looking at you" he said, and the maid arrived back with a jug full of water, with an empty glass
Benjamin took the jug and glass, thanking the woman. He held up the water to Solace's mouth
"Here, drink" he sad

Lucifer sat at his desk, writing paperwork and letters. He was more quiet then normal, focusing on his work. The guards opposite him weren't the talkative kind, either. He looked up at them
"Little Sunshine. Here" he ordered, and the taller of them broke formation, marching towards the desk
"At ease" he ordered, and she put her arms behind her back
"Send a messenger to Vera Byron and Ashen Erika- Taijel. Let them know I request their presence" he ordered, giving Sunshine 2 letters- one addressed to Lord Vera Byron, the other to High Priest Ashen Erika-Taijel, which she took "dismissed"
She marched away, walking out of the room., and he looked at the other guard
"Makoa! At ease" he ordered, and the other guard stood at ease
"Find and get my daughter" he ordered, "dismissed"
The other guard marched away, and Lucifer reread what he wrote, before picking another paper, this time wrote by a priest from earth he had gotten to know well- she was a priest who was only in the priesthood to get her degrees and doctorates. She was actually a cardinalist, too. He read through the paper he received from her
"Abaddon Parris has another daughter?" He muttered to herself, and flipped through. He saw the picture of her, it was clear she was his daughter. Supposedly she was friends with the priest- warm orange eyes with ashy purple hair, braided into 3 separate braids. She appeared to be tall, taller then the priest Lucifer knew. At least 5ft 6 in height, he read further forwards on, her name was Laura Parris. Apparently she had a twin, too, Olivia Parris

Solace walked into the room, and Lucifer looked up at her, she appeared tired and drained. She wore her favourite dress- a ballerina style dress made rom the finest fabrics, an off the shoulder dress with long sleeves and a layered skirt. Underneath the final layer were upside down crosses hanging from a small chain all around the skirt, hanging off the edge slightly. She had paired these up with white thigh highs, translucent black tights and six inch platform boots
"Solace, i have a mission. Are you well?" He asked, and she walked in, sitting on a chair closest to her dad
"Eh, I'm surviving" she scoffed, before standing up and grabbing a book, examining it and reading the back cover
"Have you requested audience?" She questioned, sitting back down in her original seat. She was very similar to her father, in a way. Both were interested heavily in literature. He looked at the cover of the book she picked up, and it was the divine comedy, even his favourite book
"Yes, Ashen and Vera. You three always work perfectly together, i think you three will work together perfectly once again. You're my daughter, i know what you're capable of" he said. She flicked her hair off her shoulder, and flipped the pages
"Is that so? By the way, what's the mission" she questioned, glancing at him from her page. He put the pen back in the holder, and looked at her. She turned to face him directly
"You know Abbaddon Parris? He has another daughter that was spotted, shes a priest however" he spoke, before solace jumped up. She slammed her hands on his desk in less then a second, fucking heaven she is fast!
"I can kill her?" She exclaimed and questioned at the same time "ugh ill murder her and everyone associated, Corporeal and Ethereal!" She jumped in excitement. Lucifer let a rare smile creep onto his face, he loved seeing his daughter happy. She jumped at him, for a hug, knocking him onto the floor
Hugging him tightly, she pressed her face against his chest
"Thank you, Daddy! Thank you!" She squealed. She had the sadistic nature from her mother, and her smart way of thinking from her dad. Lucifer patted her head, slightly. Solace had been depressed more recently, he understood why, though. She was physically weaker, not having eaten since her sickness got so bad she could not keep a meal down almost 2 weeks ago, he hated seeing her in pain- he was the only child he had. After a visit from Benjamin Sawbones, she had gradually gotten better, she even was able to keep some food down
"Anything for my daughter. I want you to be happy" he said wrapping his arms around her
After an hour of Lucifer writing and Solace reading happily, contempt in the quietness and calmness of the spacious room, Ashen arrived. They bowed at Lucifer before walking in, closing the door behind them. Ashen walked towards Lucifer, and Lucifer made Eu contact with Ashen. They had been friends for a while, Ashen had aided in Lucifer and his sisters escaping the grasp of heaven at 16, 16 and 20. The siblings owed their entire life to Ashen, and Ashen had owed their life to the royals.
"My presence was requested?" They signed, and lucifer nodded
"Yes. Let Vera arrive first" lucifer spoke "then we will talk"
"Ashen! Sit next to me!" Solace exclaimed. It was no secret Solace had the upmost adoration for Ashen. She loved everything Ashen was- strong, independent, humble, despite not taking much they could get everyone's attention, a brilliant fighter with seemingly everything given. Ashen smiled, even though you old not see from under the mask. Solace was a lot more cheerful now, while a week ago she couldn't even crack a smile
"You're looking better today" they sighed, and Solace smiled warmly
"I'm still feeling like shit" she complained, and Ashen sat next to her
What are you reading?" They questioned, and Solace showed the book
"The divine comedy! It's twistingly good"

Not long after Ashen arrived, Vera arrived, he had not been accompanied by any of his consorts this time, as he normally was. He walked in, and saluted Lucifer. Vera has shown to have the most respect for the king of evil
"Good afternoon, your majesty, you've called" he greeted, walking in. He shut the door behind him, and the other two stood up, walking towards the desk. Lucifer rested his hands against the desk, and the rest looked at him
"This mission... I asked if Choir or Wonder could join, but both were unavailable. So, i ask you three for this mission. The orphanage, Saint Valentines orphanage, they're housing someone. I wasn't sure of who, but I'm told shes a threat to us, her name is familiar to you, I'm certain. I want you three to exterminate or immobile her. Also Solace, your siblings are there. Exterminate them" he explained, sliding over some paperwork, and some pictures
The first was of a white haired woman, around 20 years old, with ash grey eyes, she appeared tall, and punk. Donning a spiked collar, a band shirt of humans, with a spiked leather jacket. Her hair was short, and styled spiky. She had nose, lip, ear and eyebrow piercings
"That is Ashe, she is a real pain in the ass, always clinging to a priest or a nun, its in her best interest to murder me- even if she is the fledgling race, ill never understand how the Meeks can carry on with their hopeless dreams" lucifer explained
Looking at the other picture, nobody understood how this kid was remotely related to Lucifer. He had brunette hair, crimson eyes surrounded in markings or face paint. He was shorter then the woman
"He is Seyton. His mother is a hinderance. Ran to the church, gave birth in a church, died in a church, he was raised by a priest and his friend, a nun. He wants to kill you, Solace" he explained
Solace laughed, and laughed. Eventually she keeled over in laughter
'This... human?" She gasped for breath in between laughter "this scrawny human cant even rip out one of my hairs! Let alone kill me! My body is already doing his job for him!"
"So" Vera began "your daughter wants to kill you and your son wants to kill your other daughter, but they dont know what Solace looks like?" He puzzled, and lucifer looked at solace, then his hands
"I guess not. What are you suggesting" he questioned, and everyone turned to Vera
"Solace" he began "Would you mind being Samira Alaister once again? I can be Edward Byron temporarily fo this, and... i dont know for you Ashen. Do you have a name you hide a lot as?"
Ashen thought, before motioning for something to write on. Lucifer slid over an empty piece of paper and Ashen wrote. Amber

"What about the priest?" Solace questioned. Lucifer rummaged in a drawer, before taking out a file. He placed it in front of the three
"Her name is Laura Parris. She's a priest associated with Saint Valentines orphanage, also an identical twin, however her twin is yet to be located. Immobilise or kill her. She's commonly seen with a vampire named Rome, if need be, kill him too" lucifer explained, and Vera shifted slightly, putting his body weight on one leg
"Parris? As in that wannabe lords kid?" He questioned, and lucifer nodded slightly
"His infidelity is strong, his wife has no clue" lucifer muttered "do whatever you have to do to get her out of the game. Just remember, she is 17, Vera"
Vera look to his side, then back at lucifer "I wasn't intending on anything like that, I despise priests"
"Have the mission done asap, preferably take 2 days. Dismissed"

Solace walked around the gardens, deep in thought. How could she get close enough to kill her siblings? While it's true they haven't got a clue as to what she looks like, she could just walk in and murder them, but she's smarter then that. She should trick the entire orphanage, but how? She could pretend she got separated from her family, Vera and Ashen both looked significantly older then Solace, and they were- Vera was nearing his 50s, and Ashen was almost 2000 years old. She could talk to them about faking a family to get invited in, that could work. She carried on walking, the guards protecting her following closely behind. She carried on walking, lost in thought, walking out of the central city, and down the path, she walked down to the lake, and onto the docks. She sat there, thinking, taking off her shoes and socks, then tights, and put her feet in the water, she carried on staring out int the horizon

"Sol?" She heard behind her, and turned to face the voice
"Myth?" She questioned, as a taller person walked down the dock, siting next to her
"You got food for thought?" They questioned, and solace turned back to the lake
"I just got a new mission, i have to kill a priest and my brother and sister, I'm still not sure how to trick them into trusting me"
Myth thought for a second, before speaking again
"Don't trick them, make them believe you're a trustworthy person"

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