Attacking heaven?

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All fallen angels, once in heaven, all in one room. They all were getting changed into relatively similar outfits- black trousers, shirt, boots, body armour, you get the idea. An outfit to hide an individual- a lot of important people were there. Criminals, enemy's of the state, disowned angels, last of their kinds, kings, princesses, priests, ladies and warriors. The purpose of this mission was one thing- get revenge against the bishop. The bishop who ripped and burnt away lucifers eye, stripped peace and drifter of their holy rights, murdered frost and Rayne, kidnapped the Amos children. A lot of damage had been done within the 100 years. Ashen murdered the last king of heaven; their own brother, Lucy had murdered Ebrietas' sister and mother and granted her flightlessness for over half a century, luke had murdered Ebrietas' husband, Peace destroyed a lords reputation, Elegy Mortimer had murdered a third of heaven in one night and Etheria had burned books of important knowledge
If heaven hadn't taken Frost and Rayne's lives and stole their children, Dante and Baphomet wouldn't exist- while he was still whole and had control over what they did, and they do have their own strengths, everyone knew lucifer would be whole

Drifter looked at the others, in various stages of undress- noticing the markings they possessed. Lucifer had on his back, in between his shoulder blades, the symbol of the deadly sin of pride. She will have to ask about that, Ashen had something similar on theirs, just the deadly sin of envy. Vera also has one, but for the sin of lust. She wondered what that was about. Peace had 2 red lines down her back, Charlie had a scar mark on her back, and luke had a scar down her spine, and Etheria had angel wings marked on her back. Seeing these made Drifter realise her markings weren't that abnormal, but she still had to hide them to avoid people knowing who she is she put on the decided outfit between them all- all black outfits. Black was the decided colour of hell, being the opposite colour of the 'holy' colour white. Slipping on the coat, she sighed. Some others were organising weapons- smart, you didn't want a weapon that was blunt, damaged or too heavy or too light. It had to be just right
"It's a scary thought" drifter said, sitting on the bench as she examined the blade of her sword, looking closely for any damage, before taking a file out of her bag to sharpen it.
"You don't have to join if you don't want to" luke said, slipping the shirt over her head. Everyone liked luke, she was the eldest of the Amos sisters and it was clear in the way she spoke to people. She didn't say this in a rude way, but as a suggestion. There was a secret between the consorts and Vera. Luke wasn't suggesting it, she wanted drifter to stay back
"Luke, thats my home, i know you dont like it, but I'm going, i can do something nobody else can do, you all need me" she spoke, walking out of the room. She approached the ones finishing up preparations to leave.

"We need to kill the bishop, alone" Ashen told Drifter "were the only ones strong enough to withstand his holiness
"I know, I know" drifter spoke, sheathing the sword and slipping it onto her belt "I've got the perfect thing for it"
"Oh? Do share" Ashen signed, taking Drifter to a separate corridor for a secret conversation
Drifter lifted her shirt slightly, revealing a black bodysuit, beautifully decorated with lace and fishnet "oh just a bit of shock factor"
"One day it'll come out what you've actually done. Me and you know, it sure as heaven weren't necromancy that got you banished"
Drifter chuckled, fixing her clothing. She stared ashen in the eyes, her bright white eyes with a green tint meeting their golden ember eyes
"When that day comes, I'll figure out what I'll do. Until then, protect me as I protect you" she exclaimed, holding her hand out. Ashen grabbed her hand with force, and they shook on it. It was now a promise, and neither were willing to break a promise. Drifter had not made a friend as fast as Ashen befriended her, they were the first person she met in hell. They gave her warmth, clothes, food and a place to sleep. They gave her the jacket she always wears, bubblegum taught her English, and in return Drifter taught her blacksmithing. Ashen helped her find true religion, Drifter taught them gladiator fighting tips and skills, Ashen had given the woman more then she could ever ask for, and she would never be able to thank them enough for that, of course Ashen knew her real name and what she actually did, as they did give her the name 'Drifter', which means a person who travels a lot
"We, we can be certain you're leading us. I will follow you to the end of time" Ashen signed, and Drifter nodded
"Trust in the self righteous suicide" she said, walking away
Self righteous suicide; a slang imps use to possess an angel or religious person to have them commit suicide. Drifter had noticeably grown fond of the idea of making an angel commit suicide, it was dangerous as breaking into heaven. However, only a few angels have been killed by this method, Drifter was adamant she could pull it off with the bishop of heaven, and Ashen and everyone else had faith in her that she could. But Ashen began doubting if she could do it under stress, they knew this woman was strong and independent, but shes still learning some things about imps

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